Chapter 19

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Mathias POV

Hehe, I finally got him to give in and let me have some ice cream. I hug onto his arm and giggle "Thanks Daddy" I can tell he likes that word which is good cause I like using it. But everytime I say it there's a glint in his eyes that says 'I want to push you up against the wall and have my way with you'. It's dangerous territory, but I can't help but cross the barbed wire sorrounding his hard exterior.

"What kind do you want?" I hear the Greek god next to me ask.

"Hmmmm" I look over the screen glass where they display all the flavors. "ooohh Cookie Dough " I point.

"And I'll take the birthday Cake" He adds, the employee taking off to complete our orders.

"Birthday Cake huh?" I turn to him grining.

"Hm?" He hums, interested in what I have to say next.

"Ya know you can tell alot about a person based off of the ice cream flavor they choose."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He says, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothingg" I respond, smiling remembering what my mom used to say about someone's personality having just about everything to do with their favorite ice cream. I sigh and choke down a restless tear. Not wanting the memories to resurface again. No, not after all this time, not after what they did. "Come on, let's walk around a bit, sitting over there would literally bore me to death". I suggest, which was only partly truthful, I just didn't want my unshead tears to throw a rave in front of Damien. Once he see's how broken I am he'll get rid of me as soon as he could. Nobody wants something that's broken, I've just started to warm up to him, and I have a feeling I've already become too attached. I have a feeling I won't want to leave if I spend another day with this gorgeous man.

Once we start walking through the mall and I come out my daze I look over and see a giant golden Teddy bear sitting idly in the store's display.

"Whats caught your attention baby boy?" Mr. Sexy asked, noticing my sudden interest.

"Oh um... It's nothing really" I said trying to make him forget about it. but instead he follows my line of sight.

"Do you want the Teddy bear little one?"


"Don't lie to me, liars don't get rewared" He says with a smirk and wink.

"Don't you think it's a bit ya' know....childish?" I said feeling my face heat up.

"Of course not munckin" He responded. Causing an electric shock to course through my veins.

"Stop doing that" I whispered under my breath but loud enough for only him to hear.

"I don't know what you mean Baby boy" He inquired with another one of his prize winning smirk.

"You know exaxtly what I mean...Daddy"  I said, looking directly into his piercing silver orbs catching the fire once again.

"Yeah we've definetly got to talk when we get back" He whispered but loud enough for me to hear. "But for now let's go get you that bear" Mr.Sexy says tugging me into the store. He walks up to a boy that seems to be around my age who's wearing a employee's uniform

"Pardon me but is that Giant Teddy bear in the display for sale?"

"Of course, but you might want something more worth while." The boy says batting his eye lashes, trying to be cute. And I suddenly felt a wave of possessiveness and caused me to pull Mr.Sexy's arm closer against my body. I'm pretty sure Mr.Sexy notices this and rubs my back to assure me that there's nothing to worry about, which surprisingly worked.

"No thank you I just want the bear and we'll be on our way." He says and I can tell he's trying his best to stay as calm as possible.

"Mmhm" The boy says rolling his eyes after throwing a glare my way, which I happily return right back.

By the time we leave the store I've finished my ice cream, I feel my self yawn in exhaustion

"Aww you sound like a kitten" Mr. Sexy awws beside me as we walk back towards the front doors of the mall.

"Don't call me that" I pout

"Whatever you say kitten" He says into my ear and I could've sworn I almost purred. Fucking Purred as if I was actually a fucking cat. But then again, I can't say that I didn't like the feeling. Ughh this is so fucking weird what in the actual shit is happening to meeeee??  \( 0///_ ///0 )/


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