Chapter 16

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As I was walking back in search of Mr.Sexy, I had probably been through about half of the house before I finally found him.

"Ah there you are, I was stay to think I was trapped one of those self-changing mazes" I said happy to have found him.

"Sorry about that Anne can be a do I put it"

"A complete and utter bitch ass bleach hair, no nipple havin' looking ass." I whispered under my breath, HAH I crack myself up.

"What was that?" asked.

"Umm.... nothing?"

"Mmhmm...well I guess the house tour is practically useless now so I guess I'll get to telling you the other part." Mr.Sexy sighed.

"And what's that?" I ask looking at him with pure interest.

"I'm enrolling you into a new school"

"YOU'RE WHAT" I ask in shock.

"You heard me right"

"So what you're just gonna buy me off this auction just to re-house me and put me in a new school, didn't know that was the government's new way of putting people into foster homes. What's next you want me to call you 'Daddy''. I sarcastically asked rolling my eyes.

"Mm, now that I actually hear it coming out of your mouth yes, yes I do." He said in a matter of fact like tone.

"I was only joking!" I said feeling my face heat up.

"And I'm not"

"And what If I refuse?" I smirk, crossing my arms.

"Trust me you wouldn't want to do that" he said in a deep, dominant tone. That allowed no kind of talking back. And at that moment I could've sworn something ticked in me, causing me to bow my head in defeat.

"Yes sir" I said, which quite honestly surprised A LOT. And on top of that I could practically feel the sly smirk on Mr.Sexy's face.

"Good boy" He said softly. Petting the top of my head, making me blush even more at the sudden praise and I wouldn't mind him doing it again.

After a few more seconds I look back up, only to meet with soft silver globes that's I can look at for eon's. "W-what?" I ask softly, still embarrassed about what just happened.

"Nothing" Mr.Sexy smiles, showing of his pearly whites. "Come on follow me to your room and get dressed"

"May I ask where we're going?"

"We -little one- are going shopping." He answers, and I take a quick liking to the new name.

"Oh, ok" I say too happy to even ask what we're going shopping for.

Oh gosh.What is this man doing to me?? \(°///^///°)/


Aww my boys falllinnnggg

   - love,


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