Chapter 13

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As the warm sunlight, hit my face and the sound of birds chirping rang in my ear. I pulled the cover over my head and stayed in bed. That's when I remembered everything that happened last night and thought that maybe it was a better choice to get up, instead if lying helplessly waiting for something to happen.

"Ugghh"I grunted. I began to trudge ny way over to the door, unlocking it, continuing down the hall and down the stairs. Halfway down the steps I smell the most delectable thing to gave ever meet my nostrils. So I pick my pace a bit, until I come face to face with the Mr.Sexy I met last night, but this time he's drinking a cup of coffee. As I stand there for a good minute or so, I feel his gaze raking up and down my body, until I hear him hum in satisfaction.

"Good morning beautiful" he compliments in his husky morning voice, and I swear I was redder than Louisiana hot sauce.

"You flatter me" I say fanning myself trying to play off my obvious arousal.

"Hmm, why don't you sit down?" He says, pointing out the seat right across from him, decorated with a full course meal. I can practically feel myself drooling...oh wait no that's actual drool, ok lemme just wipe that off real quick. I hurrily shuffle to the seat and began stuffing my face with anything that could fit in it. I look up, to see a content looking Mr.Sexy, with a soft smile on his face. And for some reason I felt satisfied to be the reason for his happiness, it's like I have the responsibility of keeping this man happy at all times no matter what. I don't know honestly, it's a weird feeling.. whatever.

"Vhat d I ha sumting o ma fac?" (What do I have something on my face?) I muffle, in the midst of golfing down all this food.

"No, I just thought that you looked like a life-sized chipmunk" he chuckles.

"Vhats ot vy nce" (that's not very nice) I pout. But in spite of this, Mr.Sexy continues to laugh at me. So I cross my arms in anger and turn my head away from him.

"Sorry, it's look absolutely adorable." He says, leaning over to take my chin, forcing me to face him again, and gazing into my eyes. I swear he must be doing some kind of black magic, cause it felt like I was in some kind of hypnotic spell.

He didn't break this contact for what felt like a couple of minutes before sitting back into his seat, and continued to drink his cup of morning Joe.

"So I see that you didn't try to "escape" last night" he says. Still in a trance, I clear my throat.

"Who said that I didn't attempt?" I ask, knowing full well that I didn't, but wanted to know his answer regardless.

"I dunno, just a hunch" he answers, shrugging his shoulders.

Once we're with done with our breakfast, I ask a question that's been on my mind since I've arrived here..

"Why am I here, and what do you want with me anyways?"


Double Update Yaayyyy


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