Chapter 3

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As soon as the two men guided me in to the building, they push me into a dusty ass room, full of other people who are most likely....dusty ass people.

They all looked at me, like I was some kind of unknown species. So I gave them my 'fuck you looking at' face. And yep you guessed it, them bitches' heads snapped right back where they fuckin came from.

I started looking around the room to see if I could find any possible way out. Let's see no windows.....the door's most likely made of steel, and  the walls are probably made of cement....

All of sudden a bell shrieked, causing everyone to shuffle into a line by the door. I didn't want to look dumb so I followed to see what is going to happen next.

Two different dudes walked through the door this time. They walked down the line picking people out into a separate line. They suddenly stopped once they got to me, they gave each other a look that I couldn't decifer. They both nodded their heads and placed me into the separate line they had created. Since i was last in line their secluded analyzing had come to an end, they made a hand gesture that caused everyone else in the previous line to sigh with relief.....Wait if being in this line a bad thing, then maybe I should be worried...  One of the guys began to lead the line out of the door and down a long dark hallway. The hall led us to a door. What was behind the door was the reason why I don't fuck with people.


Omfg it feels like I haven't been updated in years. Thx to everyone who has voted on the last few chapters u guys are like.....the best. Anyyywwwaayyys the best part of the story is yet to come. And now that I'm on winter break I should be able to update a whole lot more. I'm looking forward to it. See y'all next time~.


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