Chapter 20

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Once we finally exit the mall, we quickly spot Mr.Sexy's black Maserati, with Charles waiting patiently in the driver's seat. I don't know how he does it if it were me I'd become restless and impatient after the first thirty minutes. And trust me, we were in there for a while. Welp, maybe some people are just made for the job. All I know is that as soon as we climb into the car I was out like a light. But before my eyelids fluttered shut I felt a pair of soft lips kiss my forehead. Anyone else would've thought it was weird but I thought it was sweet.


"Mama what's going on" my younger self inquires my mother who seems to hustling and bustling along with her husband; rapidly shoving every article of clothing they can find into bags.

"Listen, do not bother with your dumbass questions now of all times" my mother all but yells back, making me jump in my place. Still entranced by my recent slumber.

"Where's the files?" Richard turns in the midst of his hurrying to ask my Mama.

"Umm it's under the cabinets-"  interrupted by 3 not very loud but extremely clear knocks on the front door of our rundown apartment.

"Shit, we need to get the fuck outta here" my step-father says through this teeth. I began to tear up and whimper in fear of what is to come.

Next thing you know I hear another loud bang but this time the perpetrator is inside of our apartment.

"Come on Matthias we have to go" my mother turns to me.

" leave him here he'll only be dead weight. we'll be better off without him."

"You known damn well I can't leave him here he's my only chi-"

"-JOSALINE WE'RE LEAVING" My mother's newlywed interrupts. After seeing the tears swell up in my mothers beautiful chestnut eyes, even my eight year old self knew my misfortune was only just beginning.

My mother crouches down to my height, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Mathias look at me" I hesitantly focus my eyes onto hers. " I need for you to go into that my closet and do not come out until you think it's safe. Do you understand?" I stand frozen, tears flowing down the sides of my adolescent face. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" I quickly nod not wanting this to go on any longer.

"Let's go now" He says in a sterner voice while I scatter towards the closet. My mother turns to me one last time before escaping with her spouse, and that was the last time I would ever see my mothers once soft, loving eyes.

Now curled up in the dark wardrobe my mind goes a million miles a minute. With every sturdy step of  the men inside of my home, every opening of our doors, the rampaging in the remainder of our belongings. My heart completely stops the moment I hear my mother's room door slam open just as the others have been but this time the steps were slightly lighter, but nonetheless spine chilling. I cover my mouth, muffling my cries. The person finally stops their excursion in front of the closet, flinging the door open to reveal my small shaking form. However, a young boy stands there most likely only a few years older than me, maybe just entering his teenage years. He stares into my wide eyes, an empty expression on his structured face.

"Did you find anything?" the sound of an older man resonates through the walls as my breath comes to a halt. The boy takes another quick look at me before shutting the door.

"No father it seems they fled before we could get to them". The boy lies, his voice smooth like honey on a cold night.

" That's great, I love it when they think they can run from me"  the man's words ooze like a sickening poison from his lips. His heavy steps began walking away from their previous location.

"I'm going to stay back for a while to see if I can find any evidence as to where they could have gone" the boy quickly says as to not raise any suspicion.

"That's my boy always thinking ahead, you'll become a great heir to my kingdom one day" the man says, you can practically hear the proud smirk in his malevolent voice. " Then I'll be leaving this to you, me and my men will take our leave I assume you'll be home by noon?"

"Of course father" the boy replies. The man finally leaves with the other heavy footed men. Once I hear the final slam of my front door the closet door opens up once again. "Come on, we have to get you out of here" the boy consoles, reaching out to me. I look at his outstretched limb then back to his eyes.


"-athias Mathias" my eyes flew open as they found a pair of dark silver eyes staring back at them.



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