Messed Up

718 24 1

Rose POV

Its been a week since trials started and honestly Chrissy is not that bad of company once you get to know him closer.I haven't talked to Lissa as to say more than a 'hello' but I've seen her twice at the cafeteria and three times at the feeders. I'm hoping to see her at the mass today since its Sunday.I should probably take my shower now,living with a guy with one bathroom has taught me the meaning of the saying 'the early bird catches the worm'  I mean seriously Christian finishes all the hot water every time he's first to shower.

I slowly and quietly remove myself from the bed so as to not wake up sparky. I reach the bathroom with my essentials and brush my teeth,after I'm done I strip my clothes off and walk into the shower.I end up using up all the hot water,after my shower I wrap a towel around myself that reaches mid-thigh and use another one to wrap around my hair I know Thats bad hair care but today's rushing and its almost seven so either Chrissy is up or he's about to be.I use my mint body lotion on myself.

I realise I haven't brought my clothes with me and so I have no choice but to walk out of the bathroom in a 'very' showing towel geez could it worsen!!

I walk out of the bathroom just to bump into something wait someone and I instantly know its Christian,I  back up a little and almost trip on the uneven floor between the bathroom opening and the bedroom but Christian catches me his hands encircling my waist as we both gaze into each other's eyes,those blue orbs mesmerizing me.I could get lost in there and I wouldn't even mind it OH MY GOSH!!!!

WHAT THE HELL!!,Christian's my best friend's ex, he's my moroi for the most important trial in my novice life,he's become my frien-WHAT THE!!....I realise I'm still in Christian's arms in my towel and even he still hasn't let go,I subconsciously clutch the towel closer to my body and that small movement catches Christian's attention as his gaze travels down my body lingering on 'my very' pushed up D cup breasts.

Without him gazing into my eyes I'm no longer mesmerized,so I try to get out of this one Rose style."my my Chrissy, had I known you was burning for this Hathway's touch I_"during my speech Christian seems to have composed himself "shut it Rosie I've seen better" he let go of me and as I stumbled back he got into the bathroom and closed the door....when had we moved oh right! when I'd stumbled he must have caught me and moved us.

I don't know why but somehow the thought of him having seen better bodies than mine has me in waves of jealousy.Not wanting to look more into the story I delve into my section of the wardrobe and retrieve a black  pair of lace lingerie and since Chrissy is in the shower I decide on wearing my clothes.After the underwear I take out a black tank top that hugs every one of my curves but doesn't speak slut.Since Christian starts at the feeders today and moves on to the church I decide on wearing black skinny jeans which aren't too tight to fight in.After all,I put on my combat boots and black leather jacket then wait for pyro himself.

After fifteen minutes he comes out in only a towel wrapped around his his lower body.DID I DIE AND GO TO HEAVE-I am brought out of my reverie by a not so happy Chrissy. "Really Rose,you had to use up all the hot water" "hey you started that game!" "Its my room I always use up all the hot water" he pouts,he's actually pouting and its so damn cute..I laugh,like really and I guess that makes Christian feel better because he also starts laughing with me.

"I haven't heard a genuine laugh from you since the placements"I frowned upon the memory but seeing my change in demeanor he quickly added " we miss you Rose, the group misses you so I'm glad you're feeling better today."he then took his clothes and went into the bathroom, he came out wearing a black shirt,black slacks and black converse shoes.

"That makes two of us pyro"

The rest of the day was a blur .I'd met Lissa but we couldn't chat because fire crotch had homework and I didn't want to force the two ex's to mingle even though they both were cool with the breakup. I checked the bond for abnormalities but Lissa was fine,she and Eddie were having a good relationship and guardian Belikov was teaching Lissa basic self defense.(I know its illegal Thats why they're doing it under the wraps)

Right now I'm trying to break through the wall Lissa has around those mystery feelings I don't understand and_ boom,I did it!Lissa...I gasped as I tried to grasp the information,why didn't she tell me.its my aura she should have said something as she read something so personal in my aura!Dimitri alike too.

So Dimitri is actually her soulmate and Christian's Thats why she broke it off with Christian, or is there more? Let me check, another wall!!I guess Lissa would've felt when I broke the wall. I don't like spying on her like this but this is really serious stuff.

The man i thought I loved is hers and the man she thought she loved is mine..

Hi people!, so how was it?..
I really want you guys to talk to me,tell me what you want and what you don't want,that way I'll do the fanfic in your liking too.
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if possible. love y'all

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