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Rose's POV

We all jumped when an old wild west tune played out and all eyes snapped to Dimitri as he swiftly took out his phone, gracefully standing up and answering to whomever that is in the other line.

He cussed in Russian and i felt a sudden urge to berate Kirova for hiring Russian hand when she's never bothered to put up Russian lessons. 'not that you would have done any studying Rose',I heard Lissa say in my head. 'Get out of my heard',I retorted. Dimitri cut the call and as if sired,all eyes turned to him ears expectant.

"There's an emergency evacuation, all academies around the world are being targeted.",I gasped as Christian and I's earlier talk came to mind,Dimitri continuing as everyone rose from the floor.

"The moroi council has organised an emergency fleet ranging from cars to jets according to the distance one's home is from the academy, this is so every student is set off in the next three hours. I'm not supposed to say this but, strigoi are mostly probably waiting for the schools to make this move."

My heart pounded in my head as thoughts of Christian's and Lissa's safety raided through my head as to how to protect them from this oncoming nightmare. 'relax Rose,I've got Dimitri remember?",I relaxed as Lissa's voice rang through my head. ' we'll figure this out', came Christian's half amused and yet wary voice through the bond whilst he flashed me a Hollywood smile.

We all hurried off towards the school dorms as fast as our vampire genes could take us. I went on ahead with Christian as Lissa went on to her dorm flanked by Dimitri and Eddie. The rest of the group also continuing to their own dorms. Reaching our dorm Christian shoved me against the door once it was closed and kissed me numb in my senses and legs. I kissed him back with as much passion and fervour as he was me.

"I love you Rose, and if there's one thing i know its that we'll make it together today and forever",he whispered against my lips."I love you too Christian and trust me i want nothing more that to stay in bed cuddled up next to you ,but i can't help worry about you.",I confessed. "don't",he replied smashing his lips against mine for another passionate kiss.

After we broke apart from the kiss we immediately went to packing our belongings, most importantly the valuables. I didn't have much but could survive trials with the few selections i packed. "we'll go shopping when we reach home", Christian said after he read my thoughts, "sorry,you were projecting.", I nodded my head as he hugged me flush from behind my back against his chest. I leaned into him letting my thoughts drift off to last night, I blushed p when the memories came through like a projected film...say what?! "Christian!" "what?", he responded too innocently as i playfully elbowed his midriff. He immediately let me go smirking as he held my body.

I had changed from my previous attire to a beautiful yellow sundress Lissa had gotten for me on our first easter while on the run. It reached a few inches above my knees and showed off my toned legs, along with a decent cleavage in show and i smirked as Christian's gaze lingered there. 'Rose we're all at the garage, so where are you?", Lissa enquired through the bond. "we're coming",I responded.

"We have to go,everyone is waiting for us at the garage.",Christian nodded and started taking our duffel bags. Ha Chivalry lives! I thought then shook my head as he tried to take my bag. I proceeded to take it myself and head outside towards the school garage.

Lissa and the others were already in the SUV so we also got in sitting next to each other our bags securely at the back. As Christian held me in his arms i fell asleep last night finally catching up to me.


It was actually a good thing that we had left the academy on a moroi night and day time for humans, we were now in one of the moroi council private jets. I went back to sleep as soon as take off proceeded.


I woke up sometime later when someone kept shaking me. "huh?...",i yawned out."Rose, we're here",huh?...But that was an eighteen hour flight, Lissa must have seen my confusion. "your powers are coming to light,your body takes sleep as a time to adjust." i nodded deeming the excuse sensible then asked about the others. Dimitri was getting a car, Adrian and Mia had taken a connecting flight to the moroi court. Chris and Eddie were getting our bags and Lissa was just watching over me ,apparently my eyes were glowing which was transparent through my eyelids.

We walked out of the jet to find a black jeep on the side of the jet, the guys conversing by the side. Once Dimitri saw us he got into the driver's seat with Christian taking the passenger seat. The rest of us piling in the back , it was supposedly a four drive to where we would be staying. "where would we be staying?", the question just flew out of my mouth.

" wait Rose, you're trying to tell us that you got into a car, boarded a jet for an eighteen hour flight and since have never bothered to know where you were going and where you are now!?",Lissa asked slightly wary...i gave her a look that said 'you knowing that meant i don't have to'.

"My home town Baia,in my childhood home." I could practically feel the smile as Dimitri thought about his childhood home...wait Baia? As in Russia! "Isn't Russia supposed to be some kind of arctic wasteland", i voiced out in suspicion to which Dimitri chuckled.

"well as you can see Rose,its not...its as summery as every other place but can get very cold in winter and autumn or during some days and nights.",Dimitri explained "OK",i conceded.


😚 Sweet Home ✨

I missed my baby so much and she's so grown up.

0.6k!!!!,thats awesome,so many views😅...

Unfortunately i cannot say when i'll be back. I have a physics paper of 44 questions that needs my attention and i have to submit on monday.

I've only done 13 questions so far and i have to do the rest now, tomorrow its sunday so i think i'll skip church coz the work...its too much...and the teacher...well nothing about him i'd say.

So take care with the little i offer this month please



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