Stupid Takeaway

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I smile as seconds later I feel Christian's naked chest press against my back making sparks flare against my skin, his arms enveloping my waist.

I lean into his warm body as the warm water cascades down my body hitting my head and rolling down my curves to the toes before running down the floor to the drain.

Chris lathers my hair with the soap before continuing down the rest of my body,his hand wreaking havoc and mayhem in the process as my body hums and burns at the mercy of his hands.

Two minutes later and I finally lose the battle between my wills as the control I had sinks to the back of my mind. I allow myself to just feel as I turn in Chris's hold and connect our lips in a passionate kiss. We both moan into the kiss as our tongues mesh pleasurable.

His hands wander to the back of my body and he squeezes my butt. I don't take long to get the hint as I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist, not once breaking the kiss which started out intense but now has turned gentle and sweet as we pour all the love we have and our fears into it.

It only takes three knocks followed by Lissa's giggling to understand that our explicit making out isn't as quiet as we think it is. That's enough for us to softly and slowly break the kiss, leaning our foreheads to each other's.

We slowly untangle and I blush beet red when I realise that his manhood has been poking against my right thigh. Chris chuckles softly seeing the red tints on my cheeks and I fail to tease him that even his cheeks are tinted red because just like always,his laugh has me swooning at him.

I'm still a little weak and that seems to come to mind when my body announces its protests against our earlier 'activity', I'm gonna be so sore...if I'm not already.

I smile as we wash each other's bodies,appreciating the moment. With the trial coming up, for the next few weeks there's not gonna be much time spent together in romantic senses.

"You know I love you Rose"

"Yeah,I love you too Chris".

We both confess once the last pieces of clothing are back on his body,and I'm no longer in a hospital gown but I'm now  wearing white panties with black lace along with a matching white bra with black lace paired with dark blue skinny jeans and boots along with a pastel pink see through silk shirt.

"Damn it you're killing me Rosie, see through? Really?",he cries out and I reply giving him an innocent look.

"But Lissa is the one who chose this for me",and I bat my eyelids at him for more effect.

"Let's just go",he replies groaning. I pick up the gown, placing it in the laundry basket before following a frustrated Chris out.

Once out of the bathroom my eyes are met with the questioning ones of my best friend with a wicked glint as she smiles impishly at me.

"Interesting shower you had, I could have sworn that two fevered wolves were in there... With all those sounds and all."

Both me and Christian blush at her implication but right on cue my stomach rumbles and the topic falls as both of the two most important people in my life worry and fuss over my health and that of my baby.

The one thing I can call my own without the fear of rejection.

"Come on Rose, sit down and I'll go grab us some lunch",Christian tells me as both he and Lissa lead me to the bed and make me sit down like I'm some sick hopeless little girl...

"I can walk and as well as sit on my own thank you very much, I'm not some sick chick you know",I spit at them both as I'm suddenly hit with a wave of emotions causing me to have no control over my tongue.


"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to be so awful and sound like a bitch",I apologise as the pit of my stomach fills with remorse and rueful tears brimming my eyes before they begin to slide down the contours of my face ungracefully so.

"It's okay Rosie,you're stressed out,your body is hurting and now you're very hungry whilst feeding for two...stop it now don't cry because you know what I'm going to grab you three beef burgers and two for the baby along with two fries and two cans of fruit juice, how does that sound?",Christian comforts me.

I nod a yes to his plan fearing that if I open my mouth I'll again be speaking nonsense. Christian pecks my forehead before pulling me into a brief kiss and then he leaves the room.

It is in moments like these that I feel like I don't deserve Christian. He's always there for me when I need him and he never has any complains against me.

Come to think about it,I don't think this soul mate jazz has anything to do with his love because every moment spent with him I not only feel but I also see the immense love he has for me beside the pull of our bond and that alone makes me feel special.

I feel an abrupt movement before Lissa starts to rub my tense shoulders.

"You don't have to beat yourself up over this Rose,we understand that your emotions are all over the place with the hormonal changes going on in your body_ ", I immediately cut in.

"I know it's normal Lissa but I can't help but feel just like a bitch when something like this happens"

She hums and just like that we settle into a comfortable silence with each other as we wait for Christian to come back with the food.

Just when my stomach starts growling again, the door swings open and Christian walks in holding three plastic bags. He closes the door before coming over to the bed and placing the bags on the flat space of the bed. He nods at Lissa before giving me a swoon worthy smile and sweetly pecking my forehead.

"Sorry love, I could only get you two beef burgers and a third one that is a chicken burger with the fries. But the cans of juice are both pineapple flavoure_"

"It's OK hun,I was actually craving for chicken too",truthful lie.

I just started craving for chicken only when he mentioned it, but Christian doesn't need to know that.

'You just said that to make him feel better didn't you',Lissa links to me.

'I have no idea what you're talking about,i am actually craving for chicken nuggets but the burger will do', I reply to her leisurely.

'If you say so', she replies with a giggle,unconvinced.

I mentally roll my eyes at her before blocking the link. 

"I spoke with your doctor before coming here and he gave the clearance for you to go home, I've already done all the formalities too",Christian says as he shoves my burger into my mouth after having given Lissa her vegetarian sandwich and a lemon juice can.

My eyes light up at the prospect of going home and I start to eat even more greedily now that I'm feeding myself so we can leave sooner.

My eyes widen and I grab unto Christian's arm as I gasp for air choking on a fuckin fry. I feel Lissa move behind me and she hits my back twice before I cough out the damn thing. I'm immediately pulled into  Christian's chest as I try to even out my breathing.

"Damn it Rose a fucking fry!",he yells at me as tears brim my eyes sensing his fear of losing me. "Don't do shit like this okay,you know what we're going back to the Belikovs, because I want you to only eat home cooked meals from now on... Stupid takeaway"he mutters the last part.

♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ_́˱☜♥☆♥☞˲ˍ_̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛

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