Little Light

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"fuck!",i exclaimed as Dimitri's left hook connected with my chest."could you be a little gentle, I know i am since Lissa will kill me if i kill you!",i snapped at him.

"Strigoi aren't gentle!",he replied his guardian mask still intact keeping his face blank from emotion.

It has been over three weeks since we arrived in Russia and been living in the Belikov household. Christian and i are supposed to leave for Spokane two days from now and Dimitri thought we'd be safer if he trained me harder in case we came upon a strigoi attack on our way to Christian's house.

"Rose,are you still at training?", came Lissa's voice in my head.

"Yes, did you need something?", i asked.

"No",i refocussed back on my fight with Dimitri and didn't have time to react as he swung his foot right at my abdomen.

"Aah!",I immediately hunched over as an unimaginable spread through me, my eyes instantly watered and my breath hitched as the pain intensified. I felt some warm liquid dripped from my nether regions through the inside of my leggings running down my thighs in slow motion.

Dimitri was by my side cussing in Russian as tears streaked down my face. He tried to pick me up but that only intensified the pain so i weakly pushed him away.

"It hurts so bad",i whimpered through tears as my head pounded clouding my head with dizziness.

"Rose i need you to hold it in, i'll get you help,try mind linking Lissa or Christian...yes Lissa"

I'm trying to do it i am but i can't because the pain overrides my will power and my mind is just so numb nothing but the pain and dizziness i feel makes sense.

I felt sparks as familiar arms wrapped around my waist just as i was sucked into oblivion...


"Wake up child"

I groaned as i felt the stiffness of my body. My eyes fluttered open coming into sight to find the form of an old woman hunched over my frame. I tried to sit up and sucked in a sharp breath as my abdomen constricted, really painfully i might add.

"Sit",She commanded me as she sat stoically on the arm chair by the bed i lay on.

Why am i here? What happened? But?...The last thing i remember is receiving an abdomen blow from Dimitri which in my opinion was the most painful blow ever and hurt like a bitch, after that i think that i actually blacked out.

"Where am i?",i asked the old lady once my guardian mask was in place. I don't what know she is actually gonna say and for all i know she might be working with strigoi.

"You are very blessed child",she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?", i blurted out confused.

The old bat stood up and walked over to the door,before turning the knob she turned back to me her dark eyes connecting with my abdomen....what?

" Where there is light, darkness lurks in the shadows",saying that, she turned to leave.

"Wait!",i exclaimed annoyed that she was purposefully ignoring my calls when she is the one who came to spew... Whatever that is!

I tried sitting up once again after laying on the bed for five minutes. I sucked in a breath sitting up,wincing when the pain surfaced again. I wish i could contact Lissa or Christian but they have their mind-links blocked, i sure could use some spirit right now.

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