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"-I don't know whether I should suspend you or expel you"


"Oh You could just let us go back to our dorms to rest"I said in hopeful tone.BIG MISTAKE

Kirova's glare raked over me daring me to continue. What's her problem?, this is monumentary FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!a moroi assisted in gaining victory with minor injury to his guardian and not a single drop of both their blood shed!!..

Chris took my hand under his in a calming gesture and I instantly relaxed. Kirova as ignorant as ever didn't notice but I saw the look of awe for Christian coming from Dimitri before his mask slammed back.Then Kirova spoke again.

"However..."she sighed "Lady Ozera wouldn't be pleased if I did any of those."before I could do a victory dance.."But that doesn't mean I can't punish you under academy rules"I gulped."You are hereby forbidden from any activities outside of trials other than training with Guardian Belikov, if you disobey my orders either points with be deducted from your score sheets or for certain the school would have to expel you."I paled"dismissed"

I barely felt anything as Chris led me outside tailed by Dimitri. She can't do that!!I'm not some piece of trash whose life she can ruin just because she can't handle.Stupid motherfucking bitch!!what actually crawled up her old screwed up puny little ass and hibernates only to wake up when I'm there!!!

I was pulled out of my reverie as Christian stopped us from walking further to grab my attention, Dimitri was sitting over a familiar bench which could only indicate we were close to moroi dorms.Guardians were still swarming moving strigoi bodies for burning and guardians for memorials etc, some telling students to return to dorm safety blah blah...

"Why'd Tasha save me?"I found myself blurting out the words without as much as a single thought.By the corner of my eye I saw Dimitri stiffen.

"I don't know,maybe out of kindness"Christian answered trying to brush it off.

"Tell me the truth,I want answers dammit!!"I was getting agitated with everything that's happened lately."I know you,Dimitri and Lissa are hiding something from me so just please say it or at least stop with the knowing looks!!"I ranted...yup if anyone had fallen asleep they are pretty much awake now.

"Rose, there's nothing to hid_"

"Oh for fuck sake Dimitri tell that lie to someone who can actually pretend to believe you!!!" I started pacing.

As if on que Lissa suddenly appeared and wrapped her arms around me and I felt something wrap around me like a blanket in my subconscious, Suddenly I am very furious,how could they!hiding secrets from your best friend *scoff*

best friend my ass!!I wrenched my body from her grasp and gave a satisfied smirk when my eyes met with her hurt ones.Suddenly Dimitri was next to her in a protective stance,at that Christian rushed next to me and gave him an 'I dare you look' to which I laughed outloud like some possessed bipolar chick and they all turned their eyes to me.

"Rose I'm sorry,they wanted to tell you but I didn't think it was the right time."I scoffed at that as Lissa tried to reason with me.

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