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A few minutes pass and a nurse comes in. I try to sit up to ask what my body incurred during the fight,but by now the inside of my mouth hurt so much I don't open my mouth.

Christian seems to understand because he tells me to relax as he was talks to the nurse.

A few minutes pass and I have all the answers that I need as the nurse finishes changing my IV and exits the room.

"I'll always be  because I love you so much Rose..I can't even begin imagine what a life without you would be, I have loved you from the moment I first saw you and since then I've not been able to stop myself because this love it keeps on increasing and-STOP THAT!", he exclaims as I continue to caress his chest and snuggle myself into it.

I giggle and the sound stills his form,a few nanoseconds later he gently pushes me back and stares at me in awe.


"Oh God Rose!",Lissa's shrill voice breaks through whatever Christian was gonna say as she pushes the door  startled by the impact but non the less return the embrace.

"Are you ok?",she asks in panic.

I nod at her to tell her I am fine once she releases me from the hug. I look at her eyes as I begin to ask whether she's fine too.

I haven't seen much of her lately, she's supposedly been busy with some Royal issues with Queen bitch. I know Lissa wouldn't lie to me, the bond is there to prevent that although of course she can block me when she wants now not that she would in order to hide a huge thing from me...would she?

Right... She wouldn't, she loves me a lot as her elder sister that much is clear. I yawn as my eyes begin to droop shut.

"I think the drugs are taking effect",I hear Christian's voice say as his warm arms gently lay me back no my pillow

I am too far gone to reply so I succumb to sleep.



"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep...",I murmur as the two male voices are talking by the foot of the bed.

I hear shuffling and finally I manage to force my eyes to stay open and my sight settles on the most beautiful blue eyes in the galaxy.

"Hey, you've been out for some time now",he murmurs as he pecks my forehead.

I lean into his face and peck his lips, as I lean away I feel a hand-his hand-wrap around my neck and he deepens the kiss. The clearing of a throat has us both tearing apart, figuratively.

My eyes glide over to the intruder as my cheeks burn crimson. Dimitri stands right next to where Christian was,his eyes portraying the awkwardness.

My eyes shift to the door as it opens and Lissa glides in,her eyes brimming with tears. I furrow my eyebrows as she barrels into me hugging me for dear life.

"Oh Rose I'm so sorry, I really didn't know th-",I halt her rambling as I place my finger on her lips.

"Lissa stop I'm OK, you couldn't have known when I didn't tell you",I admonish her softly as her thoughts sift into my head.

"But I'm your bondmate,I should know stuff like this,had I been a good friend I would have found out and got us more protection,its bad enough Dimitri keeps giving you these surprise attacks for your exams"

She sighs as Dimitri raises his left brow her,amused. Lucky son of a bitch. Christian laughs out loud as he reads my last thought.

"Hey! It's really not fair you know",I huff and his laugh intensifies into a full belly laugh that has my toes curling and my stomach dancing in butterflies.

Dimitri and Lissa stare at us questioningly but I just scowl as Chris still can't hold his laughter. But he suddenly stops laughing as the door opens and a woman in black slacks and a dark purple shirt with shoulder length fiery red hair in a ponytail comes in.

My eyes widen and my breath also hitches as Janine Hathaway assesses the room and the people in it, it's subtle and unnoticeable unless you were trained to do the very same thing when you enter a room.

"m-Janine...",I clear my throat as I address her whilst her eyes bore into my brown irises.

"Rosemary...",she responds awkwardly and just like that her guardian mask is back on her face.

But not before the flash of concern in her eyes.

"mo-Janine, what are you doing here?",I ask her.

"Well, the trial for Viktor Dashkov is underway and as eye witnesses you and the princess Vasilisa are required to stand in the box...I also heard about the attack and I nee-thought I should know how you are recuperating".

"Oh...",my face falls as I realise that she's not really here to See Me, but rather it's a professional call. How more stupid can I get...

I'm grateful to the bond as Christian is by my side in one swift stride and he rubs my shoulders in comfort

"But now that I see you're doing okay,I wish you a quick recovery as the moroi need all the guardians our kind has to offer"

With that, Janine Hathaway exits my hospital room.

My heart drops to my stomach and tears brim my eyes as her coldness pierces my heart. Sobs wrack body and Christian tries to soothe me.

"You shouldn't cry over her Rose, you're gonna distress yourself and the baby",he says.

At his words I try and succeed at calming myself down. A burning feeling swirls from my stomach and I shove Christian away before sprinting to the bathroom and wrenching my guts out, figuratively.

I feel the two pairs of hands as they wrap around my hair and hold it up. Seconds later it becomes restrained by what I feel is a rubber band.

After I have washed my mouth and face, I leave the bathroom along with Christian to find Lissa sitting on the chair by the bed.

I walk over to the bag of clothes by the chair and take it with me back to the bathroom, Christian hot on my tail.

"You do know that you're not leaving the hospital without the doctor's clearance",he asks amusedly.

He leans against the door and I don't answer him as I remove my hospital gown. His eyes darken as slightly with lust as my half naked body comes to view. I remove the rest of the undergarments too, testing his hold.

I internally smirk as his knuckles turn white from his fisted hands and his blue eyes turn an even darker shade of blue with passion.

I know I'm pushing his control but dang I can't help it. I turn around and get into the shower, this must be a private hospital and very, I mean very expensive to have such luxurious and spacious showers.

My mind soon turns back to what my mo-Janine, what Janine said and I can't help the anticipation that rises from the thought of the trial and finally making Dashkov pay.

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