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Rose's POV

I felt the absence of his presence and my heart sank. I leaned over the sink and rinsed my mouth before washing my face.

I looked up into the mirror,my face still had the stupid glow i thought was from being in love and being surrounded by the warm family love emitted by Belikovs.

But boy was i wrong turns out i'm having a baby at seventeen, well in only about eight months.

How am i going to take care of a kid, my own mother didn't want to take care of me what do i know about taking care of kids. At least i know who or where my baby daddy is, but how can i be sure that Christian won't leave me just like my father left mom.

What if he hates me for this and-and  denies our baby. I sniffled as more tears streaked down my face. I slid down against wall as sobs wracked my body,the door opened then closed.

I froze,my head tucked between my raised knees. I looked up as Sonya wrapped her arms around me as much as her pregnant belly could allow. I stood up and properly wrapped my own arms around her waist as much as i could and fully cried.

Her hands kept rubbing my back as i cried,the side of her belly pressed against my side. And when i had no more tears left i pulled away from her,my eyes wandered to her pregnant belly and i couldn't help but extend arms and touch it,my hands skimming over it.

I smiled all of a sudden,my mood a little lighter.

"I'm pregnant",i blurted out.

"wow,i-i don't know what to say". I caressed her swollen belly 

"You don't have to say anything,i just-i don't know i just said it"

Her hands moved to my flat stomach,for now. She smiled down at it as her eyes sparkled with glee.

"I'm gonna go right ahead and assume its fireball's"

I nodded a smile taking place.

"he's the only guy I've ever slept with,much less fallen in love with"

"well you're gonna make a great mom Rose,I've seen the way you are with Zoya and Paul honestly its adorable."

"Aunt Sonya and aunt Roro Babushka says dinner's ready",Paul as his face peeped through the door before leaving.

I stood up my stomach rumbled and helped Sonya up too. We walked the stairs and right into the kitchen. I lightly gasped as the old woman from earlier sat at the head of the table.

"What are you doing here?",I questioned as her earlier words ring through my head. 

'you are very blessed child'  'where there is light darkness lurks'  'you-

"Rose,i see you have already met my grandmother Yeva",Vika said as she sat me next to her.

Christian is missing from the table,i'm getting really worried. What if he doesn't want the baby, what if-oh god what if i was only a fling to him a fantasy about damphir women he's always wanted to fulfill and now that he has...

♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱☜♡☆♡☞˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛

Roans, warm greetings

Please don't be angry that its short because its the missing counter part to the last one i wrote 'Reality'. please do:

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