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"Are you sure we're gonna be OK?"I was now sat with Lissa and Eddie in her reinforced royal moroi dorm room.After finding Alberta and alerting her about the attack coming,me and Christian were ordered to retreat to the moroi dorms and alert everyone that we students stay there the damphir to protect the moroi.

"I'm sure we will,the guardians will make certain of it" Lissa was a nervous wreck when we told her about the strigoi,I think the image of Dimitri fighting for his life is what scared her.

"Christian hasn't come back Rose"I nodded my head.

I seamed calm and collected but on the inside I was freaking out.Christian had gone to get us snacks and its been sixteen minutes already, yes yes I was counting.Maybe I should go look for him."Eddie could you watch Lissa for me"

"She is my charge"i nodded "Where are you going, we're supposed to stay here"

Lissa stood from her bed then retracted a stake from her drawer."you left this the night from Spokane"I took it from her but not before I noticed the knowing look she gave me.I proceeded through the door to find my Christian... I'm still not used to that.

I searched the surrounding area of the cafeteria since it was locked down...I proceeded to the feeders and even there the place was locked. Where could the idiot be!!urghh!I hate not having answers..

Where would I go if I were Christian and under attack?....the church!I quickly ran towards the church building across campus. I inwardly cussed when a twig snapped in the direction of the treeline next behind the church.

"My my what a lovely scent you have my dear,but I'm definitely aren't moroi"

"Yeah no shit sherlock!"I retorted to the red rimmed figure looming at the edge of the treeline a few feet from me.I immediately took a defence crouch.The strigoi ran at me full speed in attack, I dodged its body landing a blow to its torso before removing my stake from the pocket.

The strigoi launched at me again but he was inexperienced so using both arms outstretched he tried to grab me.I ducked kicking him in the shin and using his momentary distraction I plunged the stake through his heart and watched as he his eyes lost life.

Not waiting for more to come I plunged through the already lock broken church door and raced to the attic."Christian"I called out as I reached the room.I was immediately engulfed in a sweet hug.

"what are you doing here!"

"I came looking for you"I panted.Christian then held me at arms length and saw the blood on my top.

"Its strigoi's"i said and watched as he relaxed.

We hurried out the church managing to stay incognito with the help of the walls of the buildings. Then I realized something... The elementary school campus were understaffed and near the forest those poor kids!!!

"Fuck!! Christian we need to help at the elementary campus"he looked over to me and nodded realising the urgency.

We got there and immediately swung into action.The were few guardians less that a dozen and about forty strigoi, we stood back to back him lighting up the strigoi momentarily allowing me to plunge my stake through their hearts.

We fought a team moving from strigoi to strigoi leaving behind a blood bath.after about thirty minutes we had finished the strigoi on this campus and Christian and I had killed over twenty seven strigoi...two guardian lives were lost and six injured,I had sprained my wrist but that would heal.

"Rose"I looked over at Christian and was instantaneously engulfed in a passionate kiss that had my insides bubbling with anticipation,I eagerly returned the kiss and gave Chris's tongue entrance as it asked,Chris's hands encircled my waist as my hands made way to his hair tugging on it.....such a good kisser.

We pulled apart as someone cleared their throat.I peeked behind Chris to find Dimitri awkwardly standing there not knowing how to respond to the situation.He finally found his resolve.

"Did you do all this?"

I glanced around and saw the massacre we'd created with our teamwork.

"Uhh...yes"Christian's one arm was still encircled on my waist.

His intercom thingy drew his attention and he talked to it for a few minutes before turning back to us.

"Kirova wants you in her office"

With that said we walked to Kirova's office, it was one silent awkward walk.And when we reached the office I felt Christian cradle my hand in his.Dimitri knocked and after a silent 'come in' from inside we entered.

Dimitri stood by the door in guardian position even though that wasn't his duty at the moment. Chris..I mean Christian and I took seats in front of the she-crow.

"So we meet again"I said and felt quite proud when Kirova scowled."so whats up"

I bet she's burning up right now.
"What's up"she scowled, damn that scowl"you took a Royal moroi!!.I don't know whether I should suspend or expel you"

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