*1* Mission calls

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It was me. I was there, the whole time. Being unable to see me doesn't mean I don't exist.
To you, I am just an illusion.

Y/N's P.O.V-

'I will take ramen and bibimbap, please.'
'Kimchi for me. Thank you.'

It was a cold winter night.

As time passed, the clock hour hand shifting merry-go-round to the digit nine, the number of customers slowly decreased until becoming completely zero. The sharp blows of icy wind hitting the window made the glasses tremble as if in fear of breaking down into pieces. Haneul shifted the small board hanging on the front entrance backward, showing the 'open' written side now to the inside of the restaurant. The waiters were busy giving a last wipe to the place. All were in an obvious rush, as the cold atmosphere outside was getting intensified and none was eager to experience shivers on the way back home.

The place was now left with just me, Liza, Haneul and Joshua behind.

'Hani, I am done. Guess I will be leaving too. Liza?' I stared at the dirty blonde girl who was massively giving a wipe on one of the booths as if to burnish it anew. 'Yes, yes I am done too. Let's go.' she jogged inside to put on her overcoat and bring her handbag while I stood near the front door waiting for her.

'Bye guys.' We bid and went out. Immediately the paralyzing breeze welcomed us in, giving vibes of frostiness as a gift.

'Damn it's so cold tonight. It's nearly the end of winter yet look at the temperature!' Liza hugged the overcoat to herself. Her mouth shaped in 'o' was smoking air in and out fast to warm her frozen body up. I replied.

'You are right. Whoever outside their home now must be the unluckiest person in the world. Let's walk faster.' I increased my walking speed. Liza laughed, 'You are so very right.'

It didn't much time to reach my house. We both stood before the gate. Liza said, 'Your house is pretty big. It must be really warm inside.' I chuckled at her words, 'Well, thank my parents for that. They are always worried for me, they send me off enough money to live well off until now. I do the restaurant job only to carry the side expenses.'

'Well, it's bigger than mine for sure.' I laughed again, almost laughing at myself for speaking something that wasn't true. Since the time I joined the job in the restaurant, I had grown more close to this one girl. However, not close enough to reveal out everything about me. Lying, which had become an integral part of my life by then. For which I get money. So, why should I regret it?

A beeping sound from inside my pocket interrupted my motion thoughts. I brought my phone out then clicked to find out its source, no sooner my protruded lips turned down to an impassive form.

'What is it, Y/N?' I fixed my wrinkled forehead then smiled looking at her, 'Nothing. You should go now. It's getting late. Thanks for accompanying me.' I waved at her and hurriedly paced towards my front door. She waved back and started for her own way.

As soon as her figure disappeared from sight, I came out. Taking further look around, I sped placing long steps through the way illuminated by the side lampposts, the dark edges waving me in.

I stood leaning against the sidewall and took out my phone. I clicked on the message again, the one I viewed a mere while ago. It said-

Agent 47. A car will be waiting for you outside the lane of your house. Be sure to get there on time. There's an emergency.

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