*23.4* The End

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I skid out in the speed of a jet. A mass arrival of sudden anxiousness in a try to create a storm on the mind shore, I was rather surprisingly calm. This was coming I knew, and I knew what to do too. I just had to accomplish everything on time.

'47 reporting, this is an emergency.'

'Connecting M's... what is it, 47?'

'BTS just-' I lost my balance and meteorically landed on the floor with a hard thud. I felt my forehead swelling to a hot red with ache, arising mild phosphenes of colors and shades before my darkening sight.

The man behind the cause of it took a step forward and grabbed my leg.

'Ouch!' I groaned in pain. Using the free leg, I kicked his hand away and quickly stood up. There had stood a whole parliament of guards, fisting their hands to be used to blow the fastest and roughest punch of all time.

I sighed. I freaking had no time for this.

Shooting the second man outright against the wall, I thrust my knee to the front man's balls, enjoying till the last crumple of pain he shrieked until another guard snaked his fingers around my throat choking me from behind. My elbow flung backward to nudge on his waist with a view to freeing myself and kicked on his partner's nose. Blood sprinkled out from his nostrils before he knelt down to get a hold on the pain, and attack again. I huffed in exhaustion and kept my posture on. There were so many of them. For me standing alone in the battlefield while trying to escape bit by bit, fail was surely a word gathered for me. I needed to call for backup from my earpiece.

'Ugh! Don't you-'  I punched on one's chin and yelled, 'dare touch my hair!' My wig fell off. I was rolling my fist for a good blow of punch directing the man's chin, surprisingly, he met the floor even before I could touch his face with my knuckles.

'Go, 47!' A tall man appeared out of nowhere and started to take charge over the gathered around the guards in cohesion. A single click of his finger led the direction to my escape route. I jumped over the knelt guards and dodging the fewer ones to come my way, I gave a first and last short glimpse to my sudden arrived helper.

The man in grey...Brat man's partner??

I banged the door close and ran.

'M's, 47 on the line.'

'Oh, God! Are you okay? What's your status now? I sent Seven to help you out at your location. Did you manage to get to BTS?'

Oh, so operative Seven it was...
But he...
I don't know why, but a feeling appeared that, him, I saw him somewhere before...


'No I can't see them. They had already knocked out everyone inside and escaped. I don't think they have been able to cross much distance by now. I will contact you soon. Send in Twenty-two and his team too, Seven might need help.'

'Be fast, agent-'

'Okay, okay!' I disconnected the line and clicked on my watch. Two red lights blinked, the flag showed a hundred and a few meter distance away from my position. I smiled. It's working. This time there is no fault.

<<< - - 

'After you see them, be sure to fix these trackers onto them anyhow.'

<<< - -

'Drink, sir?'
"I will take one of those.'

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