*22* Ride Along

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Even if we are from different universes,
we still share something, like everyone else.

Happiness and sorrow.

'I hate it.'

Silent expletives explored out my mouth by only the movement of lips and an absence of voice from vocal cords The car honked reaching zero speed with the shutdown of its engine, taking its stand by the side of the smooth pitch road. It was the third time, in the past two hours of journey. The loud sound effect which arose at the back of the car was ear-impairing. A river of excitement seemed like had been poured down the lungs of the youthful boys. I shot my strongest yet unreachable glare at the back through the rearview mirror, shaking head to myself.

Verily, none was happier than them when they were told to get off the car for a moment for engine checking purpose. They jumped out of the car, dashing around like kids in kindergarten. I sluggishly hopped out too then stood agaianst a random trunk that came in near and pulled out my phone.

'How much time will it take?' Namjoon asked the man who was busy with the car's front lid upped. He replied without shifting his gaze, 'I can't tell, the mechanic's on the way. They have sent off another car. It will take a while, I guess. There's nothing else we can do.'

'Oh, it's okay. We are good.' He huffed before jogging to join the other members.

Apparently where the car had stopped was indeed a nice place, a line of grey through green under the vast blue, away from everyday pollutions. The sun was too bright, but the clouds surrounding the sky was giving out a perfectly balanced proportion. The only thing that was disturbing at the moment, was the group of seven boys who perhaps had thought of the place as a karaoke room and was screaming whatever meaningless that came to their minds out. The car was heading for a Puma photo session the location of which was evidently a little far from the regular city. After its end, they had two interviews to undergo, and a run episode to shoot alongside. But...did they care? Worry didn't seem like a word founded for them. But being stuck in the middle of the road meant being free from their regular schedules, at least for a minute, reaching for their heart to give its nutrient for fulfilling the demand of their freedom.

'Y/N ah!'

'What?' I scowled at the male who stood before me in his jolly self. 'I am thirsty. I need something to drink.'

'Bring some for us too, Jiminnie.' Jin shouted from a distance.

'What are you? A kid?' I looked down getting my eyes engaged on the screen, 'They are kept at the back of the car. Get them out yourself.'

'Wae? You are our manager, right?'

'So?' I gave a disregarding look.

'Please...jooseyo...' He put on a cute face pouting his lips together. I stuck my tongue out, 'Aegyos don't work on me, sweetheart. I am tired right now, so please get them out on your own.'

'Why are you so lazy?' He crossed his arms over his chest, 'If you don't get up now, I will tell everyone how you got so happy and cried your eyes out on my shoulder the other day when I gave you your gift.'

I clenched my jaw in irk, 'Huh?'

The smirk was inevitable on his face, 'You heard me, and I ain't lying.'

From the uncountable number of causes I marked inside my mind, just one was enough to express the uttermost disgust I held for the boy, which was officially sealed and approved by his current statements. This is why I hated to show my weaker self before others. They just knew how to use it for their own purpose. Bitter, sadistic, selfish rules, just normal human natures I suppose...

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