*13.2* The Dark I Knew Was You

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I see the dark night,
And I see you.

Verily, you both are the same.
Even though there are no stars upon you.

Jungkook’s P.O.V-

‘Hyung! What did you just do!!!’ I whimpered in bitter-most shock, getting more irritated when I saw him completely cool about what his own deed, ‘His work was very much important for our task.’

‘Relax, Jungkook.’ He said phlegmatically, rubbing his drenched sleeve stained in blood with his thumb.

‘Relax! How am I supposed to relax now? How will we be able to get our work done when you just killed the man?’ My eyes reddened even though I didn't want them to, ‘What will Namjoon hyung say? It was so irresponsible of you.’

‘I told you to stop panicking. I don’t act without thinking before. You know that well. Now give me a hand.’ He proceeded towards the body.
A bunch of small bags of white powder, some pills and a small bottle of liquor came out of the pockets along with a few bucks.
‘Leave those. We found what we required.’ Hyung took out a few wrinkled papers from the inside pocket. Taking a glimpse of them, he made a tsk in satisfaction. ‘Nice, we can definitely make a use of these for our work.’

‘Hyung, how did you-’
‘Aish, you haven’t grown up yet, Jungkook-ah. You see, he was just playing hard to get.’

‘But hyung,’ I stared down blankly at the body, ‘you didn’t…really need to kill him.’

‘This maknae...’ he gently ruffled my hair, ‘Get over it already. This guy was getting on my nerves. I couldn’t tolerate him anymore. That’s why I had to do it.’ ‘Chincha?’ my eyes widened, trying hard to believe the simplest and ridiculous fact the older just stated.

‘Kookie...' He sighed, 'Do I really have to explain the whole thing? It was indispensable to kill him. He would have remained as a prime witness. After we carry out the task, you don’t expect his men to just sit down without attempting to find out the culprits. Of course, they will desperately try to find us. Then the first person they will get to will be this man’s buddy as he is in the charge of security in there. He will spill out this man’s name somehow and then him us undergoing their fatal thrashes. Now you tell me, did I do anything wrong?’ Finishing his paragraph, he stared at me tilting his head.

I couldn’t deny his logic. Yes, he was actually right.

‘Does that mean you actually made the plan of killing him from the very first? That’s the reason you insisted to come by yourself? Why didn’t you tell us before then?’

There was no reply from his side else for silence. Despite, I knew the answer already. He just liked to do things on his own.

‘What to do with the body now?’ I asked changing the course.

‘Screw it. Let’s just leave it around here somewhere.’ he ignorantly stuffed everything back in the pockets.

‘Let’s go, anybody can come by any moment...’ Taking care of the body with the utmost caution, both of us hurried our way out to the van. Hyung kept silent on the way, yet I could feel his smirk flashing through the darkness.

I just walked by his side not intending to leave any comment. Time has passed, by now, I had become blasé with his work, everyone had. I still now wondered how easily he could kill people without letting his thumb even flinch for an inch, just like the way his heart would remain so stern and neutral. He was clearly defined in these tasks than all of us.

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