*24* Aftermath

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Blam! Click! Blam! Blam! Blam!

'Get out now! Fast!' Suga dragged the body on the couch. His fingers stopped as he proceeded to close those eyes. He looked at the dead. Just a second ago he was a king of the black market, now, what was he?

A ruling smile couldn't but form upon his lips.


'Yeas!' The youngest whilst receiving the command took down the last two men left. The five men from twelve who were sent out earlier, taken into the sound of collisions and beats inside took their steps in and jumped into action for apprehending those six men instantly. Within less than five minutes, they met the same ground as their mates did.

'Go! Go! Go!' Everyone picked up their individual weapons and rushed outside. No arrival of a mass of guards within the sight proved that they succeeded to sneak out just on time. 

'It will take at best five minutes for the guards to get warned and reach the room. If we don't reach the rooms within this time, we'll get caught. Fast guys! Run!' With Namjoon's order, everyone jet sped through the hallway. None stopped for a second, or took a wrong turn either for one time as if the whole place was the everyday city street they walk through. Reaching the hallway end, the group divided into two. When each of them came out, nobody appeared or resembled in a way closer to the previous versions of them at all.

'I would've looked better in that costume.' Taehyung whined poking Jimin's stomach.

'C'mon, really, now Tae?' Jimin rolled his eyes, next his orbs moved to the leader. Namjoon called, 'Time to part ways. Jungkook with me, to the front exit. Jin hyung with us too. Tae, Jimin, back way. Suga hyung will lead you two. Let's go!'

'Hwaiting!' All gave the last nod before moving as per the directions.

This other end of the hotel seemed almost separated, nothing, not a single decibel of booming sound from the ballroom able to reach up until here; impervious. The group of latter three took a small walk to reach until the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung in waiter uniform nodded to the passers-by. Yoongi looked flawless in the white-aproned uniform of a chef. The night outside was silent. The breeze was heavy but cool, bashed harder as three boys ran to freedom to get out after walking past the people inside. They reached where the garden situated. Bushes where they hid themselves, and waited, until the other group reached and waved their hands.


'Did the guards get you?'

The male sighed, 'Although I couldn't blend in, Glad that you could make it out safe!'

'Whew...'The male sighed, "Although I couldn't easily blend in with them since I appeared unlike, but it was fine.' The authentic release of breath when the biggest stone is rolled off your chest. They all laughed in a chorus.

'It's over now.'

'Yes. It's over.'

'We did it.' All looked at each other at a time, 'We did it, as a team...'

'Guess this time he must be glad about it.'

'We did our best to keep up to his given objectives,' Jin spoke. 

'Never mind. Let's get out of this place now, fast.'

'...Let's go.'

'Task 30, Complete.'

> > > > > > > 

'If I gave the signal and eventually if we did catch all of them on the spot, still it wouldn't get us to the he instant. It would have obviously got their boss alert, he would escape because he would have the perfect amount of time to get himself away. Then would have we been able to catch him, the mastermind, then? Think about this.'

The whole group sitting before me shook their head in affirmative before the female spoke, still trying to get over the surprise,

'My good Lord...! Y/N...'

'Here's the voice record to it.' I brought forth my phone, waiting the time they pacified their doubtful hearts by hearing words from it.

'It clearly makes sense. Actually, this makes much more sense than they appearing as idols then living as a gang group at the same time? Someone is making them do this!'

'They...work under someone...? Now that's a piece of new information.' She clicked her pen onto the table unconsciously.

'But who is it?'

'And why are they obligated to do as per whatever the he says? Even risking their idol life? Really, who is he?'

'That we gotta and gonna find out.'

'Hmm...' She sunk her head down onto the desk.

'This mission is never going to end...is it?...'

> > > > > > >

'Look at it! The whole time they just kept sitting! Then when did the whole incident of them attacking take place?? And this boy sitting at the end kept shifting his hand after every fifty seconds. Exact and accurately per fifty seconds!'

'They placed a video before the security camera, and the video kept replaying over and over till the time they did their do's.'

'They fooled us! Damn, those authentic pieces of rats! They killed our boss, even took the load and the money along with them!'

'At least if the money was left out untouched, we could easily shrug the matter outta our hand but...'

'On top of that, how did they goddamn disorient the cameras? To do so, they must come to the control room, here.'

'One of them did. Must have been another accomplice of them who helped.'

'Where's Leo? Damn that moron, he must be the seventh Nefarious, because who else? He was in charge of the whole damn CCTV connections!'

'Bring him in.' The second man gestured at the other standing near the exit.

'Hey bro, I found something interesting.' A young boy rushed in through the doorway, excited like a child itself, too anomalous compared to the whole throng standing all around, 'Take a look at this.'

All eyes glued onto the screen as the record played. No mouth was left unopened in surprise as every single man in the video was taken down one by one.

'Now, now, who is this girl? And those who joined in with her later?'

'Dunno. Never saw any of them around.'

'What's the connection of them with the Nefarious guy and his group?'

'Maybe they were together in this?'


'The girl is in waitress uniform, it will be easier to find her out amongst all.'

'Then what are you waiting for?-

        'Find them, and find that girl!'

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