*18* Some Clues In Hand

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Please don't hate me.
Of course, you are my friend, I love you.
But I just love myself better.

Tsk! This is a perfect time.

I sneaked into the certain room, slowly closing the door behind. The office was deprived of the owner's existence, allowing me to take its full advantage. I tiptoed towards the desk, sliding my hand underneath. As soon as it succeeded in getting a touch of the specific place, I crouched down to take a full view. The lock was staring back with its blue eye screen blinking with a small dash in its middle. Serpentine my fingers moved entering the digits. With the last tap done, I gazed sharply at the brown smooth surface, as if it was a cave full of hidden treasures that no eyes have ever seen, no ears have ever heard of. It was one indeed, with just a small difference. Getting what expected would, of course, make me and the department rich, however, will cause the same much fatal trouble to seven delinquent boys.

Just like the tick of a clock, a small wooden part hung down soon, revealing its hollow but congested part inside.

Open sesame!

I steadily ran my hands inside, some rectangular structures rubbed against my tips. My face lit up in the gleam of satisfaction. It was easier than I thought. Too easy, making me attain a suspicion...

Shrugging it off, I brought out what my hands reached. Some files, almost all were brown leathered, only a few in blue. Nothing was written on their surfaces, with no title or any footer, just a blank smooth soft cover that shielded the entrance to their inside pages. WIth the mini camera in hand, I was ready to create some duplicates of them as thumbnails. But before anything, I myself needed to take a look first.

The first file rested in my hand, I kept looking through turning pages over pages. My hopes had to fall down instant. There was nothing significant. Some age-old contracts the company had once made, a few bills and miscellaneous. Finishing going through the whole of it, I looked into a few others, getting the same result. The fourth one that I took had some unknown persons' photos in it, with some tick marked to-dos were written alongside. To act as an odd mark, there was the presence of a few newspaper cuttings...

Why would a person be interested in a news of a bank getting robbed? Or a piece of news regarding the death of a high-class entrepreneur through poison? On top of that, a manager, who works for some idols in a mere entertainment company?


The next few had the similars, company-related issues and nothing else that could come to my work. I pursed my lips in disappointment. All these days of work and prolong wait in this itchy place- the effort that I gave was too high to get this void result as a payment. However, I wasn't willing to accept it already- only due to that one thing.

The existence of the hidden compartment.

Why would one require to make a disguised compartment under own office's desk just to keep some contract and company files in? Maybe, this was a shield, to protect the right ones by keeping them in the middle of randoms. It was a better logic. However, my patience along with expectation was gradually getting downed with the number of files lessening one by one. I spared a quick glimpse at my wristwatch. My free time to remain in this room was about to come to an end too.

I opened the second blue file, getting sight of another person's photo like the ones before. However, this one appeared slightly different...

Chey Geun-Hye.

If it was possible to detect someone's personality or work through only their faces, I would tell, this man seemed like a gentle looking mobster, like an evil stone to cast terrors in all those minds which view through its featured veil of darkness.

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