*13.1* More Than Meets The Eye

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The curtain is what the eyes see,
not what that is behind it.
That doesn't mean it's concealing nothing. There sure is, something behind it.
That your poor eyes can't see.

Suga's P.O.V-

Both of us were silently walking through the dark concrete path. Jungkook fidgeting proceeded forward while my paces were steady. I was busy jotting down then next plans in my head. The alley was broad at the commencement, but the more it deepened, it was gradually narrowing down to almost a thread. The street lamps standing in a distance were blinking like a human eye, the dim light was increasing the darkness rather lightening up the surrounding. Constant drops of water descending from the broken rusted pipes attached above the sidewalls were the only source of sound in the alley after the sound of our footsteps. Puddles were formed along the whole way due to it, plashing on them made our shoes sloppy. Verily, the night how it appears on the outside environment, it was in a darker shade appearing in there, just for that place.

'Kookie, let's just wait here.' I stood leaning against a lamppost on the side. Jungkook kept strolling back and forth impatiently. His anxiety and uneasiness were clearly detectable. Aish, this maknae! I tittered secretly.

Countless days passed since we are 'us' now, the sun set before we even knew when it rose. Every single assignment we carried out, every single assault, business, our nerves would get strong and our heart was stone by now. I can assure that at least about myself. An iron piece is electroplated with other metals to acquire it more of its strength and durability. Our case was just like it, do it like you need to, to accomplish the same goal, to gain more strength, to reach a state from where we can't fall apart by anyone, anytime. The things we do, were the metals to reach what we wanted.

But in case of Jungkook, there seemed to be a fault in the process, which is responsible for the formation of rust. I don't know about others but him, in his eyes and on that face, it was thoroughly visible. Still now, he couldn't get accustomed to the life we were living. He won't say a thing, but his eyes speak the words before anything. From the first day when we saw him, I remember the vulnerability and the despise in his eyes. He hated this, he hated us. Now he is trying to learn, he is trying to become us, but...Maybe it's just because he's underage?

But he has to learn how to cope up! This is what we are now; we can't get out of it no matter how much we try to. This had become a part of our life now, a part of us...

'Hyung,' Jungkook's voice got me out of my net of thoughts, 'I think he's coming.'
My muscles got steady, hearing the incoming footsteps. I secured the hoodie on my head properly hiding the face.

A figure pierced through the darkness and stood a little distance away from us.

'So you're here finally.'

> > > > > Time reverse < < < < <

(Some while back...)

Y/N's P.O.V-

I sealed the last file, releasing a deep breath. Unlike the other days, I wasn't that late. Resting my head on the desk, I sluggishly swiped to unlock the phone. I was expecting some sort of a message from Momo throughout the whole day, but nothing came. I think she couldn't extract those lock codes yet.

My eyes widened as soon as I saw the notification of received messages. 24 new ones? Woah, who is recalling me this crazy?
The name of the sender didn't get me surprised at all. Liza.

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