*9* First Day at Big Hit

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First day at school is exciting. But first day at work...?


Y/N’s P.O.V-

‘Miss Y/N,’ My eyes fixed on the person to get a read of his body language as he continued his words, ‘your portfolio says about a lot of qualifications, I can see why your recruitment was highly recommended to the authority. However, you seem too young and fresh. It’s your very first job, am I right? Will you be able to carry out your duties properly?'

I slightly bowed then replied, ‘Yes sir, I will give my best in the job and pretty soon learn everything off to get them in hand.'

‘I love your confidence. Welcome to Big Hit. Please leave a sign on these papers.’ Glimpsing over all the points written inside for a quick second, I steadily dotted down my signature over at the respective place. A silent sigh escaped my lips. Finally, I am in the zone...

‘All done. We shall now go and introduce you to the boys. Shall we?’ I nodded, following the person headed towards the exit.

‘The meeting is over.’

> > > > > >   < < < < < <


His voice was bold, unlike before in the meeting, and kind of, commanding. The tired figures lying on the couch moved their heads up, immediately shooting themselves down and stood straight. An eyebrow of mine arched up itself by their sight while my body turned rigid with maintaining utmost caution.

We've met before, more than once. The last time we met, they were beautiful creatures and talented idols. But after then, when I get to meet them now, how different they appeared. Still angelic, still beautiful and admirable, but their face was dark, dark with secrets and cruelty. Beauty had a glow, talent had a tall height, but the immense darkness they accrued, they were nothing but just some small pieces of random structures before it. Their existence was a void. In my brain, they already appeared like those guinea pigs, who were given freedom for a short time until they are thrown back to the cage where they always belong, in their case, the cage, prison.

‘How’s your practice going?’ He asked in a casual voice. I was snapped back to the real world. All bowed at him, ‘It’s going well PD nim. We are working hard.’

‘Be more focused, your show schedules are not too far. We are rooting on you this time. Anyway,’ he pointed at me while I stood beside him, ‘Meet Y/N L/N. She will be your new assistant manager from now on.’

‘Annyeong haseyo, it’s so nice to meet you all.’ I politely made a bow. Taking some seconds of silence, their gaze scrutinized me from tip to toe, using the eyes of an eagle. The gazes were welcoming, yes, yet, a gaze of wariness was what they more seemed like to be, I wondered why. It can't be possible for them to suspect me already. Maybe it's their profession that never leaves them without vigilance, even regarding every new thing or people they meet. I shifted uncomfortably tilting my head trying to avoid their eye contacts. As soon as my eyes fell on the mint-haired boy, I kind of, froze at place.

Min Yoongi.

His eyes, of all, were coldest and mean. The way they pierced through mine, it seemed like he could guess out everything. If a person’s stare could reveal his identity, I would definitely seal, those eyes were the eyes of a criminal. They were able to sip out everyone’s soul, leaving them motionless.

'Give an introduction of yourself.' PDnim said.

'Oh, no need,' I smiled, 'I know them all, I mean, who doesn't?' They all made a small grin but maintaining humbleness.

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