Part 1

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(This is set when Gerard is 25, Frank is 22, Mikey is 20 and Ray is 23)

Im Chloe And Im 16, I Currently Live Here In The South Square teen adoption centre, And I Have Been Here Since I Can Remember, I Have Three Best Friends Here, I Have Known Them Since I Was Very Young, Their Names Are Lexi, Jordan And Elli, They Are Like Sisters To Me!

I went to the canteen to get a cup of freshly ground coffee, and I took it to my room, then through the radio speakers, miss tulipia announced "Anyone aged 13-17 please go to reception in 15 minutes, yes, that does include you, chloe!" I felt a little embarrassed but never mind.

I put my hoodie and skinny jeans on, over the top of my pyjamas, and I put a bit of make – up on, because im not really expecting to go anywhere, I then felt a weird feeling in my gut, like I was going to do something, I ignored it, maybe I was nervous??? I packed my stuff together to neaten my room just in case a visitor wanted to come in.

Lexi, jordan and elli came into my room, saying "Hiiiiiiiiiii!" I replied "Hi!! are you guys ready?" they all replied "Yeah! Lets head to reception"

when we got there, there was a smartly dressed man, maybe 20 or 25 years old, then miss tulipia said "This is mr. way, he wants to adopt one of you" me, lexi, jordan and elli discussed who we thought it could be, we all thought it could be jon or milli, one of the younger 13 year olds.

We all were wrong...

"Mr. Way wants to adopt..." "CHLOE!" miss tulipia announced. "OMG!" I gasped, I felt like my gut was right that time...? "Congrats!" lexi, jordan and elli said to me, we had each other's phone numbers so I could still talk to them.

then as I walked to my room, like everyone else, the orphanage bully, melinda, came up to me and yelled in my face "YOU STOLE MY CHANCE TO BE ADOPTED, YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!" she Then Punched Me In The Face, I Ran To My Room, Holding Back The Tears, I Packed My Case and my other prized and personal possessions, I Said Goodbye To My Friends.

I Then Got To The Orphanage Door, Waiting For Mr. Way, He Opened His Black Van Door, As I Climbed Into The Van, He Asked Me What Had Happened To My Cheek, He Asked Me "Who Did This To You!?" I started crying, I couldn't hold back the tears any more, I Replied "Melinda. The Orphanage Bully..." He Told Me To Stay There As I Watched Him Walk Towards The Orphanage.

I Saw Him Talking To Miss Tulipia, She Must Have Thought "Woah, He Wants To Give Her Back Already?" Then Miss Tulipia Got Off Her Desk, And She Walked Towards The Hallway To See Melinda, Then As She Was Speaking To Her, I Saw Mr. Way Walking Towards The Van, Getting In The Drivers Seat, He Said To Me "It's Ok Now, Melinda Isn't A Part Of Your Life Any More, I'll Take Care Of You And Not Let Anyone Hurt You, I Promise, ill get you some food when we are back home, you will also get your own room, and get to meet my brother and friends." I replied "Thanks... Dad".

Adopted By Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now