Part 10

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we went to bed after dinner, then noticed the bedside-wardrobe in my room had moved but nobody had been in my room, strange...

Third person's POV:

it had already started... nobody saw the signs...

Chloe's POV:

I was asleep, I suddenly woke up, I felt ice cold hands on my throat, I couldn't see anything or anyone, I reached over to wake Frank up, "Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle Annabelle" I heard something shout over and over... "FRANK" I shouted, the thing then left me... frank woke up, he asked me "OMG Chloe, are you ok?" "I... I d... ddddont kkknoww... I ffeelt hands on mmy nnneck, something wwwas trying to kiill me!!" I told him, he put the lamp on, he looked at my throat, it was true, there was red hand prints on my throat, I cried, frank hugged me, I cried into his shoulder, soaking him "Sorry my tears soaked you..." ""It's fine, I need you to be safe that's all, I don't want your dad thinking he can't trust me..." frank replied, I told him "Im sure he will trust you, frank, I don't think I can sleep at the moment, if it is ok with you, can we go downstairs?" "Sure, I need to keep you safe" frank replied. "Well, if I wasn't with you, I probably wouldn't be here, thanks for helping me" I told him, I then leaned over, lightly kissing him on the cheek, "It's ok Chloe, im here to protect you, so is your dad, mikey and ray" he replied.

We then sat on the sofa, and watched tv.

We must have been there for a good three hours! It was now 7 am, three hours ago something attacked me, why?? why did something so that? It probably was my imaginaton, no... it wasn't, frank saw the hand prints...

we then ate breakfast, we had omlette and watched more tv until everyone got up.

I decided to wake everyone up at half eight to be ready for half nine, because dad said it took half an hour to get to the mansion, and we needed to be there at ten.

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