Part 18

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As We Were Discussing The Events That Had Happened, The Knocking, The Falling, The Receptionist, And The The Picture, we all were in the same room, when... "Dad? Are you going upstairs?" I asked him, "No... why?" he replied, "Umm I just saw you walking upstairs...?" I told him "R... Really?" he asked "Yeah..." I said, "Me too... I saw you as well, but then I realised you were here..." mikey replied "It might be a Doppelgänger" ray said "A WHAT?" dad asked him, "A Doppelgänger, they manipulate human form, legend says that if you see yourself that is a very bad sign..." ray replied... "Doppelgängers eh? What do they want from me?" dad said "I don't know, research them?" ray said.

Dad advised us to go to our rooms and Skype each other, so we know that nobody will be in trouble with the satanic Doppelgänger(s) in the mansion.

"Me And Frank are gonna go outside, we will bring our phones to Skype so we know that we aren't in the hotel" I told everyone, they said "Ok, tell us when you come inside".

Me and frank went outside, we got a blanket to lie on, and a few pillows and a blanket to put over us. "We need to Skype dad! I see something in our room, he might think its us!" I told frank "Ok, good idea!" He said, "W... W... What if s... someone dies because of this doppelgänger?" I asked him, I Sat There And started Cried In His Arms, And He Hugged Me And Lightly Kissed My Forehead, He Comforted Me By Stroking My Head With His Warm Hands, I Was Too Scared To Move So I Just Sat There And Hugged Him. He Snuggles Up To Me, My Head In His Arms, And His Arms Around Me, He Then Kissed My Forehead, He turned on skype, (After We Kissed Of Course!) "Dad there is something in our room, were currently outside ok, tell ray and mikey please, and stay safe!" I told dad over Skype, we then ended the call and messaged each other. I told dad I was tired so I said bye.

I told Frank I Was tired, so I turned to the side, but before I could sleep, franks warm hands cupped my face, we both looked into each other's eyes, we were getting closer to each other, Then, frank kissed me on the lips, this time, it lasted longer, I lay there, blushing... I guess we ended up making out For About Ten Minutes...

then, my phone rang, it was dad on Skype, "Hey, Chloe, did you come inside?" dad asked me "No dad..." I said "Oh, Ok, I saw you and frank here, it must be the doppelgänger" he told me, "Yeah, Stay safe!!!!" I said.

"The stars look beautiful tonight, Chloe, just like you" frank said, "Aww that's sweet of you frank, the sky does look beautiful" I replied, blushing slightly, "But you look even more beautiful" he said as he leaned over and hugged me, he then put his arm round me and slept.

A/N short chapter, sorry! 

- Booksong1233

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