Part 15

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it was now 1pm, Dad, mikey and ray said "Us three are going to the studio to work, frank can't come, so is it ok if you look after him", "Yeah, sure, ill make sure he is ok, good luck in the studio, love you dad, see you later" I replied, "Love you, see you later sweetie, bye" dad said "Bye Ray, Bye Mikey, Bye Dad!" I said then I sat up, and checked on frank. "Hey, frank, you feeling any better? want any breakfast? Dad, mikey and ray have gone to work in the studio, im looking after you today" I told him, "Yes thanks im feeling better, can I have a chocolate pop tart please?" he asked, "Yeah sure" I replied and cooked him a pop tart.

Me And Frank Decided To Watch Another Film, So We Sat On The Seater Sofa. Frank Sat On The Edge And I Sat Beside Him In His Arms. That Movie Kinda made me laugh, then we watched another Film, this time it was a horror film, I Didn't Tell Frank, But That Movie Kinda Creeped Me Out, this time someone's arm got eaten, someone got killed and got caught in a trap and died... Good Job It Was 5pm When I Watched The Film... dad and everyone should be back at half seven.

After the films we decided to go to sleep, so we did, we then woke up two hours later and dad was cooking dinner for everyone.

I woke frank up to eat dinner, so we ate dinner, dad had cooked the most amazing pizza! And then we all went back to our rooms and Me And Frank Decided To Watch Another Film, So We Sat in our hotel bed and watched The Walking Dead, series 1 to 3, I asked "How is your head today, frank" he said "My Head is better today, just got a headache, that's all, I probably just nothing to worry about" "Do you know what happened to you?" I asked him, "Sort of, all I remember is that that a black shadow was in the room, I thought it was you, but it didn't have a face, it pushed me to the ground, then all I remember after that, is everything going black then mikey coming in, I didn't know what went on when it went black..." he replied, "Im happy that your safe now, if mikey didn't come in I don't know what we would have done..." I said, then we went to sleep.

Two hours later, I woke up to someone knocking on the door, I opened it, nobody was there, I then went back to bed, it happened again... the knocking and the nightmare... I didn't know what to say to dad about it, I know ray, mikey and dad haven't had any nightmares, just me and frank, I tried to sleep, every hour I heard knocking, I finally got to sleep, about half an hour later of three hours of something knocking on my door, I didn't actually know how I managed to sleep.

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