Part 14

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I Woke Up To The Smell Of Pancakes And Syrup, Yum! Frank Was Still Sleeping, Aww, He Looked Cute When He Was Sleeping! I put my hand through his hair and smiled to myself.

I Then Got Out Of Bed Slowly And Quietly, To Try And Not Wake Frank Up, I Wandered Downstairs To Find Ray And Mikey Cooking Pancakes For Everyone. It Was 8:30am I Decided To Eat My Pancakes And see how everyone else slept. "How did you all sleep last night?" I asked ray and mikey "I slept good but something was making a sound outside and I couldn't get much sleep" mikey replied, "Something kept on knocking my door last night, and then I kept getting up to see who it was, nobody was there" "That's strange, ray" I replied, I'll have to ask dad later how he slept.

Ten minutes later dad came downstairs and into the mansion living room, "Hi dad! How did you sleep?" I asked him, "It was ok sweetie, just a few random bumps and taps on the door and windows, I thought it was you!" he replied, "No, dad I never got out of bed! I thought you were knocking on the walls too!" "Same! I thought mikey was gonna come into my room too!" ray said, "Wierd, I heard footsteps too, maybe it's just the house creaking..." mikey said, "Lets all ask frank how he slept" I suggested "Yeah" ray said.

Suddenly as we were going to make our pop tarts and eat them we all heard a scream. FRANK! I screamed, and ran to our room our door was locked "GUYS QUICK COME HELP!" I shouted, everyone came running, "Chloe, what is it?" mikey asked "It's frank! he's trapped inside, I cant get in!" I say to mikey, I start crying, "Don't worry sweetie, he's gonna be ok, he's probably just saw a spider, that's all" mikey said to me, hugging me.

Half an hour later he managed to get the door open, he went in first and told me to go to the kitchen to get a glass and cardboard.

Mikey's POV:

frank was lying on the floor, he looked as if he hit his head, or something punched him in the face, I picked him up, carrying him to the living room, and laying him down onto the sofa, Chloe was still there, looking for a glass, "No need for the glass Chloe, just a cloth soaked in water" I asked her "Ok mikey, is frank ok?" she replied, "I think so, ill go get dad and ray" I told her "Ok" she said.

Chloe's POV:

I rushed over to frank, put the cold cloth on his head, I started crying, I hope he is ok! I kept saying over and over in my head, dad mikey and ray came over to him, ray checked his temperature "He is a little cold, can someone get a blanket please?" he said I went and got a blanket and a pillow from the room, I gave them over to ray to put on frank, I said to him "What happened?? Are you ok??" I asked him, "I think so, Something hit my head pretty nasty on the wooden beams that were by me when I fell" he replied, "Im just glad you are safe, frank" I said to him I hugged him and sat next to him on the chair, not leaving him until he was ok to stand up, he needed a sleep so I stayed with him until he woke.

Two hours frank woke up in a sweat, shaking... "Are you ok?" I asked him, "I... I Had y... your n... nightmare, the one that you Dreamed Everyone Left you, Bodies Were Burning, The Devil Visited you And Staked your Heart With A Metal Pipe With A Sharp Edge On The End, Blood Was Everywhere, I Was Crying Out For You, I Had No Response, Then I Saw Earth Burn In The Pits Of Hell, It Was Like A... An Apocalypse, Everyone Left Me, Faces Of Demons Surrounded Me... Then I Woke Up, I realised this is what happened to you..." "Yeah! That's the same dream I had! The exact same details and everything!" I told him, he sat up I hugged him.

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