Part 21

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"Frank!? WHERE ARE YOU? Frank?" I shout loudly to him, my vision clouding slowly, before blackness...

I realised I have passed out...

**Time skip, 3 hours later**

"Chloe? Chloe can you hear me?" I hear frank's soft voice say, I awoke in a room with a bright light and light mint green walls with a touch of medicine in the air. It hit me, I knew where I was. I was in a hospital...
"Frank a... are you here?" I ask "Yes sweetie I'm here are you ok?" He says "Uh I think so, it's just that I don't like hopitals they bring me memories" I reply.
"I'll get you out of here as soon as I can okay? You might be getting released from here later, Also Gerard Mikey and Ray are recording songs so they won't be around but you have me to look after you" he says gently pressing a kiss to my forehead and I kiss him back on the lips.

💜💙 Time Skip to the journey home (2 Hours later) ❤️🖤

Frank's POV:

"Ill be back, just need to get some food from the cubourd!" he says, I hear him sing to himself, he was such a beautiful singer, his voice is so sweet and calming even though this was the first time I have heard him sing, I smiled to myself, then he came walking in with a bowl of cereal for both of us. "You have got beautiful singing" I say, I see him blushing at my compliment, "Thanks" he says.

"Thanks for the cereal"

"No problem".

Frank then walks over to the door "Be right back, I need to get my drink of water from the music room to clean up, k?" he says "Yeah, it's fine" I reply.

Frank's POV:

"CHLOE... HELP ME" I shout, I don't know what's happening to me, as I breathe, my chest seems to be closing in, I then hear Chloe shouting a faint "FRAAANK?! FRANK, WHERE ARE YOU?" and I tell her where I am.

"CHLOE, I'M IN THE GUITAR ROOM" I say it felt like my last words, everything went black ... 

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