Part 11

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I woke everyone up, then I made them all breakfast, cheese on toast, and they ate it, then frank went to go and get changed, I went to get my things from his room, I knocked on the door and went in, frank was lying on the bed holding his throat, saying very quietly "Chloe, Help ITS GOT ME!" I rushed over to him, he pointed at the draw, luckily he has this bible book thing in the drawer, I took it out and started reading, the thing immediately left him, he looked at me shocked, I hugged him and asked "OMG are you ok????? did you see anyone?" he replied "I... I think I'm ok, i did see a black shadow, b... but I don't know what it was, should we tell everyone?" I told him "I don't know, what If they don't believe us, frank, they might think its watching too many horror movies, but we know this is real..." "Yeah... true" he replied...

"Dad..." I asked him, "Yes, sweetie" he replied, I carried on speaking, "Well... this might be really strange to say and you to hear, but me and frank think there is something in the house..." he asked me, "Like what?" he asked me, i replied "I... I Don't know yet, we both think it's a ghost" "Well, you might have imagined it sweetie, plus frank might have been drunk..." dad replied, I told him "Dad, Frank Wasn't Drunk! Remember, he didn't get drunk last night, he only had cola..." "Oh... yes" he replied.

Gerards POV:

I knew it wasn't frank being drunk, but what happened to them is weird... I hope that it wasn't nightmares, its probably them watching too many horror movies...

Chloe's POV

I went to see if frank is ok, he Replied "Im Ok Thanks,". We got ready, then went downstairs, and looked at the clock, it was ten minutes past nine, we had twenty minutes to pack. I went and helped frank, he packed nearly half of his wardrobe!! well we Are going for two weeks, so we need to be prepared.

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