Part 13

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We were confused with this, so then I walked across the landing, to the bathroom, got myself a tissue, I then looked into the mirror and I saw this thing! It looked like a zombie, but it wasn't, it peeled off its face to blood and released flesh, I was horrified, I then screamed at the top of my lungs, dropped her tissue, Everyone ran to get me, I started to cry again, I told everyone what happened, then, again nobody believed me except for frank and mikey, I was too scared to go in that bathroom again so I picked up another tissue from the kitchen downstairs, horrified from the events that had happened to me just I didn't know what to do.

We all went downstairs to watch TV and relax.

We all went to bed and slept, but then I Wake Up To 3 Tall, Black Hooded Figures Around My Bed And I Try To Scream But My Mouth Is Covered By An Un- Holy Hand, I sleep but I have the nightmare again, I wake up sweating and crying, "I was woke To 3 Tall, Black Hooded Figures Around the B... bed and I... I Dreamed Everyone Left Me, Bodies Were Burning, The Devil Visited Me And Staked My Heart With A Metal Pipe With A Sharp Edge On The End, Blood Was Everywhere, I Was Crying Out For You, I Had No Response, Then I Saw Earth Burn In The Pits Of Hell, It Was Like A... An Apocalypse, Everyone Left Me, Faces Of Demons Surrounded Me... Then I Woke Up" Frank Looked At Me And Hugged Me, "I Will Not Let Anyone Or Anything Hurt You, I Promise, You Are Safe With Me." I walked into the hallway to get a glass of water from the kitchen, and I saw that there was blood on the floor, I felt my nose bleeding, I Then Looked Into The Mirror And it was, but then there was three scratches on the side of my face, I ran back to frank's room and I stood there and cried in his arms, Frank hugged me and lightly kissed my forehead and said that "Everything is going to be ok when you are here with me, Yeah? I promise I wont let them get you again or hurt you ok? You are safe with me, I want you to be safe, I need to tell you something Chloe, I... I love you" I replied "Thank you, I need to tell you something too, I love you too" and I blushed, hugged him back.

We went to bed and As Frank's warm hands gently stroked my hair as he comforted me, the sweet smell of his cologne comforted me as I lay in his arms, and as he put his arms round me, he said I was cold so he got me a blanket and gave it me, to keep me warm. then I finally got to sleep as I laid my head on his chest as he softly stroked my forehead to comfort me to get me to sleep, and I knew Im safe in his arms and nothing can get me when im with him.

I don't think he left my side that night.

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