Part 12

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We All Got In The Car, Well Ray, Mikey And Dad Got In Another Car, While Me And Frank Got In A Taxi Together, (What A Coincidence). We Put Our Seat Belts On, While We Were, We Sort Of Accidentally touched Hands... (Again, for the 3rd time...) we offered to have everyone's bag in our taxi, that's why there was only me and frank, and 5 giant suitcases.

As We arrived at the, huge, Victorian mansion with iron gates around it, we has to drive through an alley way of trees in the middle of nowhere... so if anyone fell, or needed help, we would have to wait...

as we were walking in, the large wooden doors closed and as they closed, there was a giant bang, it scarred the living shit out of us all, we all jumped and laughed it off.

Third person's POV:

This was just the start of what was to come...

Chloe's POV:

we passed the reception and a receptionist came over to us, she then asked for our names and asked what rooms we had booked "Gerard Way, room 442, Frank Iero, Room 241, ray toro, Room 812, mikey way, room 333, Chloe Way Room 712" but the receptionist said that there was only four rooms, room 241, room 333, room 812 and room 442, because one of the windows were broken and the plumbing was awful in room 712, so I had to sleep in Someone's room. we all got directed to our rooms, I chose franks room to go to, I asked him "Hey, frank, is it ok if I can sleep in your room for the time we are in the mansion?" "Yeah, sure, if your dad says its ok" he replied, I went and asked dad, "Hey, dad, is it ok if I can sleep in franks room for the time we are in the mansion?" he replied "Yeah, sure, don't get doing anything will you?" I said "No, dad I won't", I hugged dad and walked over to franks room.

As Me and frank were walking in the hallway, there was a picture of the original owners of the house, the house looked different then, to now.

Dad said "Meet downstairs in the living room after you have all put your stuff away" we all agreed, We got to our rooms, we put all of our things in the wardrobe and set up our beds.

"AHGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we heard, it sounded like mikey! We rushed to his bedroom, he pointed at the mirror in the bathroom, "What happened, mikey!?" I asked, "SHE APPEARED TO ME!" he replied, "Who?" I asked, "The lady" "What lady? The only lady here is me, and the receptionist" I asked him, "The lady in the Victorian dress" he replied "Umm... there is no lady in A Victorian dress here mikey" I told him, I then remember! The original owner of the house! I took everyone to see the picture of the lady, I asked mikey, "Is this her?" "Yes, yes, that was her!" he replied, "Lets go find the receptionist" dad suggested, so we went looking for her.

We split up and went round the entire mansion, nobody?? we all met up in the main room one hour later, where we first saw the receptionist, "She couldn't have ran away, we would have heard the door!" I said, "Yeah, we would have, maybe there was no receptionist?" ray said, "Well, how would we have got to our rooms?" dad said "True..." mikey said, "Well... the receptionist did look like the original owner..." frank said, "Yeah!" we all agreed.

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