Part 8

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Frank Must Have Gone Back To Bed For A Bit, Because I Could Hear Him Snoring, He Sounded Cute When He Snored, It Was A Sort Of Quiet Snore.

I Read A Book From The Bookshelf, Called "The Adventures Of Emma Graey" It Was About Climbing Volcanoes And Seeing The Northern Lights, I Have Always Wanted To See The Northern Lights...

I Went Into Franks Room, To Get A Dvd And A Comic For Us When He Woke Up, I Decided That I Could Read The Comic Then The Movie When Frank Woke Up. I Walked Back Downstairs And Sat On The Two Seater Sofa, And Sat And Read The X-Men Comic That I Picked Up, And Ate My Cereal I Made, It Was Really Interesting, How They Invented The Ideas For Wolverine's "Claws" On His Hands.

Twenty Minutes Later, Frank Woke Up, I Made Him Some Toast, And He Came And Sat By Me On The Sofa, He Didn't Bother Getting Changed, He Was Still Shirtless, And I Asked Him "Wanna Watch The X-Men Movie?" He Replied "Sure! Want Me To Make Some Popcorn Or A Sandwich For Us?", "Ok, Great Idea" I Replied.

We Sat And Watched The Movie For 4 Hours, We Ate Our Popcorn And Sandwiches, But Then I Felt Really Tired, (Again) But I Didn't Want To Go To Sleep Because I Wanted To Spend The Rest Of The Day With Frank, I Ended Up Blinking Then Closing My Eyes And Falling Asleep On Frank's Chest For A Few Minutes.

Frank Woke Me Up By Saying "You Ok? I Hope You Are Ok After Last Night" I Replied "Im Ok Thanks,". Frank Asked Me "Wanna Go To A Museum? Or Do You Wanna Go For A Walk?" I Said "I Don't Mind, Should We Go For A Walk?" He Replied "Yeah, Sure, Lemme Get Dressed, Or Should I Stay Like This Heh?" I Felt Myself Blushing As He Said That, And As I Replied "Well... I Don't Mind...".

Frank Had One Of His Band T- Shirts On, "I Am A Graveyard" Was What It Said, He Got It When He Was In That Band.

We Stepped Out The House And Decided We Were Going To Walk Where We Did Yesterday Then Go To The Shops. We Walked Past The Autumn Leaves On The Ground, They Looked So Pretty, We Then Got To Where We Wanted To Be, The Trees Looked Amazing, They Were Curved Above Us, So It Was Like You Were Walking Through An Arch Of Autumn Trees, Leaves On The Floor, The Crisp Sound Of Leaves Crunching Underneath Our Feet.

We Walked Down The Woodland Path, I Looked At The Time It Was 3:20pm We Had 4 Hours And 40 Minutes Before Dad, Mikey And Ray Came Home From Work.

Frank Asked Me "What Do You Want For Dinner Tonight?" I Replied "Spaghetti Please, With Tomato Sauce" Frank Said "No Problem".

We Continued Our Walk On The Woodland Path, While We Were Walking, We Saw A Squirrel And A Few Doves, The Weird Thing Is, Doves Are Not Usually Spotted In This Area, Also Are Doves The Bird Of Love??? Or Holiness??

Like Yesterday, I Almost Slipped On A Stick, As I Nearly Slipped, Frank Held My Hand, To Try And Stop Me Falling, It Worked, I Didn't Trip, "Thank You" I Said To Him "It's Ok" He Replied, We Looked At Each Other And Smiled.

We Got To The Start Of The Trail, And We Headed To The Shops, We Decided We Needed To Go To A Nearby Walmart To Shop For The Ingredients For Our Spaghetti, I Went Over To The Candy Area, And Brought Mini Hershey's Chocolate Bars For All Of Us, While Frank Got Some Spaghetti, Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce For Pasta And Spaghetti, Garlic Bread And Some Diet Cola. We Got To The Checkout And Brought Everything. We Headed Home To Prepare The Ingredients For The Spaghetti For When Everyone Comes Home.

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