Part 3

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I Woke Up To The Smell Of Pancakes And Syrup, Yum! Frank Was Still Sleeping, Aww, He Looked Cute When He Was Sleeping!

I Then Got Out Of Bed Slowly And Quietly, To Try And Not Wake Frank Up, I Wandered Downstairs To Find Ray And Mikey Cooking Pancakes For Everyone. It Was 8:30am I Decided To Eat My Pancakes And Try And Sleep More So I Did That, I Said Bye To Mikey And Ray, Then Waited 10 Minutes For Dad To Come Downstairs, Dad Said "Hey, Morning Sweetie, Your Up Early! I Have To Go To Work Now, See You Later, Love You, Ill Be Back Around Three, But Ray And Mikey Will Be Back At Six, Or Eight Depending If They Have To Work Overtime, Bye!" I Said To Him "Bye, Have A Good Day At Work, Love You, See You Later" And I Went Back To Bed For A Bit.

I Lay Down Next To Frank And Fell Asleep.

We Both Woke Up At 10am, We Decided What We Both Wanted For Breakfast, "Can I Have Bacon And Eggs, Plese!" I Asked Frank, "Yeah, Sure, Want Anything Else With It?" Frank Asked, "No, Thanks, Just Bacon And Eggs Is Fine" I Replied. Frank Cooked Us Both Bacon And Eggs, It Was Amazing, While We Were Eating Frank Was Asking Me What We Want To Do Today."What Do You Want To Do Today, Chloe?" Frank Asked "I Don't Mind, What Do You Want To Do, Frank?" I Replied.

"Want To Go For A Walk Or A Picnic, Or Something? Ill Make The Stuff While You Go And Get Changed, Chloe?" I Replied "Sure, Lets Go For A Picnic".

I Went To Go And Get Changed, I Put On My Skinny Jeans, Make – Up, My New T- Shirt (That Dad Got Me), My New Sneakers (That Dad Got Me) And I Went To The Kitchen To See How Long Frank Is Going To Be.

"Do You Need Any Help?" I Asked, "Yes, Please, Can You Help Pack The Sandwiches?" Frank Said

"No Problem" I Replied.

Frank Was Still Shirtless, But He Had His Jeans On, He Packed Everything We Needed, Then He Got Dressed, He Put On His Old Pensey Prep Hoodie, And Cute Fingerless Skeleten Gloves, And A Plain Black Beanie On His Head. We Put On Our Shoes And Decided To Walk To Somewhere Near The House, With Trees Around Us, It Was Autumn As Well, So The Trees Looked Really Pretty.

We Put The Picnic Blanket Down, And We Sat And Frank Ate The Toasted Cheese And Salami Sandwich He Had Made, I Ate A Ham And Cheese Sandwich, And Then After We Finished, We Got Our Things Together And Went On A Walk. Stupidly, I Fell On A Stick And Fell Down A Hill, As Frank Was Trying To Get Me, Embarrassingly, We Both Ended Up Rolling Down The Hill... Then As We Finished Rolling Down, Frank Had Fell On Me, And Was On Top Of Me, For A Moment, We Both Felt Like Our Hearts Stopped, We Both Looked Into Each Others Eyes, Then Frank Got Up And Helped Me Up, We Then Started To Laugh, I Asked Frank "Are You Ok?" He Replied "Yeah, Are You, Sorry I Landed On You Though" I Replied "Yeah, Im Ok Thanks, It Was Gravity's Fault, Not Yours, Thanks For The Picnic, By The Way, It Was Really Nice Of You". "Its Ok, We Can Do It Anytime, If You Like" Frank Said "Thanks" I Said Back. I Then Started To Blush.

In My Mind, I Felt Something, Like A Connection Or Something To Him, His Personality Is Sweet, He Is Really Kind And Caring...

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