Take Home Project

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It was another day in UA. Normal lessons and such, the students were looking forward to the weekend since it was a Friday and there was not going to be any classes on Monday and Tuesday due to a special meeting among the UA teachers. It was the last period when Aizawa gave them a project to do over the weekend.

"I'm giving a group assignment to do over the long weekend. You will be divided into pairs." Then he began dividing the class into groups of two. And luckily for Ochako, she was paired up with Izuku. She could also kill two birds with one stone.

"You will make a faux villain. First you must list list or create a quirk for it, and list its characteristics, and make at least three special moves for your villain. You must also add a weakness for your villain, along with an illustration of the villain. It can be handwritten, but it's not recommended. Class dismissed."

And so Izuku and Ochako walked home and we're talking about the project.

"Hey Uraraka, wanna come to my house so we can start on the project?"

"Actually, my apartment is being renovated for the next two weeks, so I have to pack my things and look for a place to stay. I was actually gonna ask you if I could move in for a while"

It took a bit to process what she said, especially the moving in part. Then he said

"S-sure, I don't think my mom would mind...." He said in a tone similar to that when he was still the 13 year old wimp.

"Thanks Deku, your the best." She said. "Now I need to go pack, so see you!" She said while walking ahead and waving goodbye.

"See ya"

"Man, what the fuck did I just get myself into?" He asked himself.

"I saw that" a familiar 24 now 26 year old voice said from behind him. "You work fast kid. Got into UA, and now a girlfriend who's moving in!? That's fast even for me!"

"I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT" he yelled blushing.

"Whatever you say, listen kid, I gotta go, ran into another syndicate again, and we won't be seeing each other for a while."

After a few minutes of walking, he was in front of his apartment. He suddenly remembered his mom will be out of the country for a month. "Aww shit... Of course NOW of all times..."

"Oi Deku"

He turned to the direction of where it came from. "Kacchan?"

"I'm ... Sorry for what happened a few days ago." He said referencing his sudden attack once he lost in the combat training.

"I-it's fine."

"But tell me one thing.... How did you get your quirk?"

"Uh...... It's a long story" he said. Suddenly a memory popped in his head.

"So your friends think your still quirkless right? Well, if anyone asks, you can tell them, just don't say who I am."

*Flashback End*

Then, Izuku started explaining the story of how he got his quirk, from when he was mugged to the end of his training, leaving out as much information about Carlos as possible. Then Bakugo started smiling.

"*chuckle* now that you have a quirk, don't think that you'll still be better than me, you got that?" He said while grabbing Izuku and locking his head and gave him a noogie.

Izuku was surprised at first, but then smiled, since he realized that it seemed just like that, his friendship with Bakugo was restored.

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