One for All

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After a few hours, Izuku grew a bit paranoid. He was scared that One for All might manifest out of nowhere at the worst possible time. He also tried to power it up as well, but nothing happened.

"Maybe it didn't work?" He asked himself. Then he went outside to think. Then suddenly as he was deep in thought, he felt an intense amount of power flow through his entire body. "What is this power!?" He exclaimed to himself. "I-is this One for All???" He asked himself.

Carlos was walking by and saw that Izuku was glowing. "Wait..... Oh shit!!! KID!" He yelled grabbing Izuku's attention. "DONT MOVE!!"

Then at the worst possible time, Monoma from class 1-B pops out of nowhere and sends a full garbage can flying at Izuku. Izuku turned around to counterpunch it. The moment his fist connected with the metal, it was sent flying followed by a ridiculously strong gust of wind, blowing in every direction. Once the smoke cleared, Carlos beat the ever loving shit out of Monoma and began looking for Izuku, who was lying on the floor unconscious, with his entire body full of injuries. Steam was coming off of his entire body.

"Shit... SOMEONE!! GET HELP!!!" Carlos shouted grabbing a few nearby students' attention. Soon, recovery girl arrived and saw what had happened. She kissed Izuku on the forehead and healed a bunch of his injuries, not all of them. This alarmed her, and made her kiss again, but it still didn't heal all of his injuries.

"He could die if I kiss him again..." She said. "Call an ambulance." She said to Carlos.

He nodded in response and grabbed his phone and called the closest hospital in the area. It arrived in slightly under ten minutes and out Izuku in a medical stretcher. Then they pushed him inside the vehicle with Carlos following them inside. By then the entire class 1-A were there wondering what happened. Soon, the ambulance doors closed and drove away.

"Please be okay" Carlos and Uraraka unknowingly said at the same time.

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