Well This is Awkward

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It had been two days after the events at USJ. They had dismissed school for the rest of the week, so Izuku had a lot of extra time on his hands. So he spent it having intense sparring matches with Carlos on the beach he cleaned up.

"BLEUCH!" Izuku croaked while spitting out blood. He had suffered a hard punch to the gut. He was on the floor, shaking with pain.

"You left yourself open kid. That's the one thing about aerial attacks, you gotta be careful next time." Carlos lectured.

"IZUKU!!" A female voice shouted while dashing towards them. They looked to the side and noticed Ochako running towards their direction.

"Shit, I gotta go kid." Carlos said while reaching for something in his pocket. "Ninja blind!" He said while throwing small pellets to the ground. The pellets exploded, blasting sand everywhere forcing both of them to close their eyes. Once they opened them, Carlos was nowhere to be seen.

After Ochako regained posture, she ran to Izuku's side.

"Izuku! Are you alright?!" She said trying to help him up.

"Yeah *cough* I'm fine *cough* *cough*" he said while still coughing up blood.

"Your not fine! Who was that guy?! And why did he attack you!?" She asked in a worried and angry tone.

"Relax *cough* he's a friend *cough* of mine, we were just sparring that's all *cough*" he replied in a weak tone, still coughing up blood.

"A "friend" wouldn't punch you like that! Not even in a sparring match!!" She exclaimed at him.

"He's just strong, *cough* and why are you even here? *cough* you stalking me or something?"

Ochako blushed a deep shade of red. "WHAT!? O-of c-course n-not! Baka!" She exclaimed while stuttering.

'Cute!' Izuku thought to himself. "Well, I'm fine now, now if you excuse me, I'll be on my way home. *cough* My mom must be worried sick." He said while walking away in a fast pace.

'Wait, I thought his mom won't be back for the next few days! Did she come back early?' She thought to herself.

*time skip*
Izuku opened his apartment door to find Carlos looking through his fridge. "Sorry about the punch kid. I forgot to hold back a little."

"It's fine" he replied. "And what are you looking for exactly?"

He then pulled out a moderately large box. "Got this for ya on the day your class was attacked. Surprised you haven't noticed it. Grab a plate and a fork, and turn on the TV."

Then they ate cake while watching TV. They played video games.

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