Izuku vs Iida

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After Izuku went to recovery girl to get his arm healed, he started today prepare for his next match. As he entered the waiting room, his face met with a fist.

"You can't just punch more than you can take!" A certain 26 year old yelled at him.

"Who the fuck are you?!" A bunch of the students asked.

"I'm someone and no one" he says before trailing off.

"Izuku, who was that guy?" They asked while helping him up.

"He's an old friend of mine. Don't worry, he can do worse." He replied.

*time skip*
It was time for their match.

"May the best man win" Izuku said to Iida.

He nodded in response and said "good luck"

As soon as the match began, Iida attempted to rush behind him and push him out of bounds, but as he got behind him and tried to push him, he was met with an arm drag. Once Iida hit the ground, Izuku locked in an arm bar.  Iida desperately tried to fight out of it, but after a matter of seconds, Iida was forced to tap out.

"Iida has forfeited, therefor the winner of this match is yet again, IZUKU MIDORIYA!"

Then Izuku helped him up.

"Good match" Izuku said

"Good match." Iida replied. "How can you react so fast?"

"Two years of practice." He says while walking back to the waiting room.

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