First Night in the Dorms

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It was time for curfew. It turns into out that Izuku and Uraraka was the only pair who had to share a bed. And it all made sense after he found the letter "C" carved into the bed frame. Izuku chose the left side of the bed, away from the wall, that we he can get up early and exercise. Uraraka got in first and tucked herself in. Izuku followed after her and got on the bed. Tucking themselves in. The UA dorm rooms had built in air conditioning, turning on automatically when it was time for curfew, so it was very cold. It was awkward at first, but he knew they'd get used to it after some time. Then he noticed how Uraraka had mittens on. He questioned it at first, but after remembering her quirk, it made sense.

"Good night Uraraka" Izuku said, following it with a yawn.

"Good night.... Izuku" Uraraka replied, also yawning afterwards.

Izuku slept facing away from Uraraka that way when he woke up, he could roll straight off of the bed and do push-ups. After a few minutes of silence and trying to sleep, he could feel something wrap around his torso. Then he realizes it's Uraraka's arms. 'Maybe she's the type that sleeps while hugging a pillow...' He thought to himself. Then the sleeping Uraraka pulled closer, tightening the hug. He noticed she was shaking a bit. 'She's probably cold...' Then his eyelids started getting heavy and before he knew it, he dozed off into a nice and comfy sleep.

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