Mall Troubles

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*Penelope's pov*

"So who was the guy you met yesterday?" Kaiser giggled.
"His name is Lonzo, Lonzo Ball," I nodded, showing her his twitter.
"Oh no, no, no," she sighed, "He has a girlfriend."
"What?" I looked at her.
"Yeah he has a girlfriend," Kaiser pulled her phone out and went onto instagram. She pulled up an account "Dmoney0414" She showed me a post that she had posted...

"Oh damn... oh well I guess," I sighed a little bit and shrugged. I wasn't going to lie, I was really upset. I liked him, a lot. It doesn't matter now though. He has a girlfriend. I put my phone away and shook my head, "Wanna go to the mall and get smoothies?"
"Yeah I'm down," Kaiser stood up and giggled a bit. I got up as well and put on my light pink adidas shoes and I grabbed my purse. We went downstairs and I got my keys off the counter, "Kai and I are going to the mall to get smoothies okay?"
"Sounds good, drive safe okay?" my dad smiled at me. I gave him a hug and took Kaiser out to my car. I had a matte back, 2016, four door, Jeep Wrangler. I got into the driver side and started the car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and put my Spotify playlist on shuffle. Once Kaiser got into the car I drove off. I turned the music louder and giggled a little bit. We both sang together, "I been going through it all! Back all against the wall! Trying hard not too fall!"

I pulled into the mall and I turned the music down, giggling. "Well that was a fun ride," I giggled.
"Its always a party when Kaiser is in the car!" Kaiser laughed cocky. I laughed as well and got out of the car. I locked the doors and we walked into the mall. We went to our favorite place to get smoothies. We ordered our smoothies and paid for them. We sat down at the table and drank them. "Oh my god don't look now but Lonzo is here, with a few other guys," Kaiser told me, looking over my shoulder. I glanced behind me and saw Lonzo with Kuzma and a few other boys I didn't know. I looked back at Kai and shrugged it off. "I told you not to look dumbass," she laughed.
"Shut up," I laughed and drank my smoothie.

Once we finished I stood up, taking our cups. I walked them to the trash and threw them out. "Nice to see you again shorty," I heard a familiar voice. I looked up at him and smiled small. "Hey Lonzo," I shrugged a bit.
"Whatcha doing?" he smiled at me.
"Well I was throwing away my smoothie cups till you walked up," I laughed.
"No meant like what are you up to at the mall," he laughed a bit.
"Oh me and my friend Kaiser stopped by to get smoothie and probably shop around," I nodded.
"Awhh dope," he smiled at me.
"Yeah what about you? Bring your girlfriend to shop?" I shrugged at him.
"No she lives in Chino Hills," he chuckled, "Me and a few of my friends came by to eat and we are having a pop u shop for my family brand. Big Baller Brand."
"Ohh cool. Well I should get back now. Kaiser is waiting," I smiled at him and then walked back to Kai.

"Oh my god he actually came up to!" he squealed.
"Shhh,"  I laughed, "Keep it down you dork! Yes he did but oh well. He said his girlfriend lives in Chino."
"Ohh I didn't know she didn't move with him," she shrugged, standing up, "Any how lets get going I wanna shop."
"Me too," I laughed and walked with her around the mall.

As we finished shopping we walked out of the shop we were in and the whole mall was flooded with people. "What the hell is going on??" Kaiser asked.
"Lonzo said something about a pop up shop??" I looked around at the many people waiting in line.
"Ohhh damn well lets get out of here before we get trampled," she took my hand and lead me through the crowd.

"Oh shit look its the girl who was talking to Lonzo!!"
"Isnt that the coaches daughter?!"
"Stay away from Lonzo whore!!!"

My god what is wrong with people these days... I sighed a little bit and followed Kaiser out of the crowd. "You talk to one person and all of sudden you're sleeping with them," I sighed. I got into the car and buckled up. "Such bullshit," Kai shook her head. I nodded and started to drive. "I know," I sighed and drove back home. We walked in and I set my keys back onto the counter. "So whats up with this while Lonzo thing??" My dad looked over at me.
"Nothing. I saw him at the mall and I talked to him at the trash can for like 10 minutes," I laughed a bit.
"Oh everyone is blowing this out of proportion then," he laughed a little bit.
"Yeah they are," I shook my head, sitting down by him. I had dropped Kai off at her house on the way home already. "Did you have fun otherwise?" he smiled small at me.
"Kind of," I laughed a bit, "Once we finished shopping there was tons of people there for some pop up shop and they were calling me a slut and telling me 'stay away from Lonzo'"
"Well that's unacceptable!" he shook his head.
"Don't worry about it," I shrugged it off.

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