Yellow Envelope

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*Penelope's pov*

I cuddled into Lonzo as a movie was playing on the TV. Saige was sitting on the floor in front of Olivia's legs. Kaiser sat by me and Jasmine sat on the floor by Kaiser's legs. We were all watching a movie that was on TV. It was about noon on Friday and we had a day off from school today. "Hey the mail is here," Kaiser told me. I have been getting the mail the second it comes everyday, hoping to get my test results. I got up and walked outside. I went our mailbox and got out the mail. There was a big yellow envelope. Yes. Its here. I ran back inside and shut the door. I ran to the kitchen. "Is it here?" Lonzo asked.
"Yes," I nodded. I ripped the envelope open and pulled the sheets of paper out. I started to read over them, out loud. "In this test it is shown that there was forced entry and there is semen left behind that we traced back to Dustin Alexander Martin. The second test showed there was also abuse to her thighs and to her wrists, as shown in the bruise marks," I spoke, "Oh thank god."
"We are going to get this jackass locked up then you can forget about it and live your life happily again," Lonzo hugged me tight. Then Kaisers arms wrapped around me. I smiled small and nodded. Everyone eventually was hugging me. "I'm so happy for you," Saige spoke.
"Me too, I'm glad you're speaking up P," Olivia smiled at me.
"You're super brave," Jasmine agreed.
"Thank you guys," I smiled at them and took a deep breath, "Lets take this dude down."


The cops finally agreed to start an investigation against Dustin because I had the papers. We set a court date up a few weeks ago, today is finally the day. It is 11AM and the trial starts at 11:30AM. We were on our way there, Lonzo, Kaiser, and I. Saige, Jasmine, and Olivia all stayed at my place. My dad and Monica were coming as well, they just didn't ride with us. We arrived at the court house ten minutes to 11:30. We walked in and up to where the room was. We waited outside the room, in the chairs. Dustin sat on the other side of the room. I held Lonzos hand, knowing he just wanted to kill him. I don't blame him. I want to kill him for the things he did to me, the way he made me feel, the way he changed my prospective about myself. He deserves nothing but hell. "Dustin, Penelope rape case," one of the officers said. We all walked into the court room and I walked to the front, with my layer. I sat down at the table and looked down at my lap. I was terrified. Seeing Dustin again was painful. It was terrible. "All rise," one said. I stood up as the judge walked in. The judge sat and hit the table. We all sat back down. The judge started to talk and it felt like I was frozen.

"I sentence Dustin Martin to 15 years in prison," he hit the table again and I started to cry. I ran over to Monica and hugged her tight. I cried into her chest and closed my eyes. She held me close and hummed to me. "I know honey I know," she whispered. I cried into her chest and held onto her shirt. "It's over now," I heard Lonzo's voice speak softly, "I promise." I nodded and hugged Monica tighter. I needed her right now. I needed my mom but Monica was all I had right now.

We all walked out of the court house and I took a deep breath in. "Baby," Lonzo smiled. I turned around to him and giggled, "What?" He grabbed me up by my waist and spun me around. "I'm so fucking proud of you!!" he yelled, running around with me. I laughed hard and held onto him. "Don't drop me Lonzo I swear to God don't you drop me!!" I laughed, smiling big. I glanced at my dad and he had a huge smile on his face. Lonzo laughed and sat me down on my feet again. I laughed and smiled up at him. "You're amazing baby," I giggled.
"You're the one to talk," he smiled big at me.
"Shush," I pushed his chest giggling. He laughed a bit and kissed my head a few times. I smiled bigger and walked back to the car. I hugged my dad and smiled at him. "Thank you for coming and helping me," I smiled at him.
"I always got you kid. No matter how grown up you get," he chuckled and held me closer.
"I love you," I smiled.
"I love you Pen," he pulled away and gave Monica a hug too. "Thank you so much," I sighed a bit.
"I always got you too kid, I really do," she whispered.
"I know," I nodded and pulled away. I got into the car and waved at them. Kaiser drove us back to the apartment.

"So how'd it go??" Saige asked as we walked in.
"They let him slide," I looked down.
"No fuck-" I cut Olivia off.
"I'm kidding 15 years in prison that son of a bitch went down!!" I yelled and laughed a bit.
"Fuck yeah! That's more like it!" Saige hugged me tight, "Fuck that Nigga." I laughed a bit and pulled away. "Fuck him," Olivia gave me a high five and smiled at me. "So shall we go to a party to celebrate?" Saige suggested, laughing.
"Oh shut up!" I laughed, shoving her a bit. We all laughed, knowing she was just messing around. I turned around and hugged Lonzo tighter. "I love you," I smiled at hi.
"I love you too my brave girl," he kissed me.

That's the end you guys!! I hope you liked it!!! Should I do another Lonzo story or not??

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