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*Penelope's pov*

"You guys did it again!?!" Kai gasped.
"Shut up!" I whisper yelled at her, "But yes we did." I giggled.
"Oh my god you guys are like fuck buddies," she laughed.
"Oh well," I shrugged and smiled at her.
"Ooo! I've made such a good influence on you. You're starting to actually have fun for once!" she laughed.
"Hey! I am fun!" I crossed my arms.
"Sure you are Pen," she laughed. I shook my head and laughed a bit. "So what about Denise??" she asked, "Have you like asked him about what you guys are? What Denise is to him?"
"Well I said I was jealous about it and stuff when we went out for pizza," I nodded, "He said he just doesn't want to hurt either of us. I think he just doesn't know who he has feelings for. Or Denise just doesn't give him sex and I do."
"Either way at least you're banging an NBA player," Kai laughed.
"Shut up dude!" I laughed and shook my head, "Soo anyways. What about you and kuzma???"
"Well we have been talking a lot," she giggled, "It's really nice to talk to him and like flirt. I don't really want like a full on relationship and I don't think he does either."
"Well I'm glad you're happy and you found someone who wants what you wantttt," I smiled at her, poking her sides.
"I know," she giggled, squirming around. I laughed and leaned back on the headboard. I heard a knock on my door, "Yeah come in!"  I called. My dad walked in."Whats up dad?" I sat up again.
"So the Lakers are playing in Sacramento next week so I wont be home. If you want to come you can just let me know so I can get an extra room at the hotel," he smiled at me.
"Umm I think I can come," I nodded, "Can Kai come with me??"
"Yeah that's fine I'll get you guys your own room," he smiled at me.
"Who is all coming?" I leaned back again.
"Well all the boys on the team," he nodded.
"No extras? Like their girlfriends or anything?"
"No, why?" He chuckled.
"I was just wondering if their would be any other girls to hang out with," I laughed a bit.
"Oh yeah no just the guys," he chuckled.
"Alrighty sounds good," I nodded. He nodded back and walked out, shutting my door.

"We get our own room," she giggled, "I can have Kyle over."
"Oh shush," I laughed and shook my head.
"You can have Zo over," She whispered, poking my sides. I laughed and scooted away from her. "Yeah right. Like my dad will allow that," I laughed.
"Why does he have to know?" she smirked.
"Kai," I giggled, "Well I guess you're right."
"Mhmm," she giggled, smirking still, "I'll text Kyle and Lonzo in a groupchat." I nodded and laughed a bit. Within a minute my phone went off saying I was in a group chat with Kai, kyle, and Zo.

Y'alll we are coming to
Sacramento and we have
our own room so you gon
sneak over or what?

I'm down babygirl.

Probably can make an

Good. I wanna see you

Again!?! Ooo shitttt

Yeah again, don't
tell no one tho ight?

I got it dude. Secret it
safe with me.

See you guys then!

See you then babe

I put my phone again and laughed a bit. "He doesn't really flirt with you does he?" Kai asked.
"Nah," I shrugged a bit, "I mean like he calls me princess when we are alone and about to have sex, but that's it," I nodded.
"Ohh okay," she nodded a bit.
"I wish he would flirt more but I don't think Lonzo is like the romantic type," I shrugged.
"Nah I don't think so either," he nodded and sighed a bit.
"It's whatever I guess," I nodded and leaned back on my bed.

I checked my phone and I got a text from Lonzo.

Babygirl you should
come over. I need you.

I can right now.
I'm with Kai

Sooo? Aren't I
more important

Aren't I more
important than

Don't be like that

Why should I be?

Whatever I guess.

See you later.

I didn't get a reply back. I showed Kai the messages and sighed a bit. "I hate to break it to you but I think you are just fuck buddies."
"I kn-ow," my voice cracked.
"Awhh Pen," she sighed and hugged me tight. I hugged back and put my head in her chest. A few tears strayed down my cheek. "What the matter??" she sighed.
"I really like him Kai," I let it go and started to cry, "I don't want to be fuck buddies, I want to be together."
"I know, I know," she sighed and held me close.
"I really do have these strong feelings for him," I cried.
"What kind of feelings?"
"The ones my mom always told me about," I sniffled, "The kind she felt for my dad. I feel that too Kai."
"I don't know what to tell you," she sighed, "With him being with Denise I don't think telling him about your feelings will change anything you know?"
"I know," I cried.
"Maybe give him space?" she sighed.
"I don't want to though," I sniffled, "Being away from him tears me apart."
"I know but you are going to have to try to distance yourself from him," she sighed. I nodded and cuddled into her more. "You're right," I sighed a bit.
"I'll help you though okay?" she nodded.
"Okay," I nodded and cuddled up into her closer.

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