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*Penelope's pov*

Lonzo ended up spending the night last night. It was about 11AM now and Lonzo left. He had to get to practice by 11 because the game is at noon. Kaiser and I were just getting ready. "Should we invite the girls too?" she asked.
"No I don't think so," I shook my head, "Lonzo doesn't like Saige very much."
"Oh understandable," she nodded.
"Is the bruises covered up?" I asked, turning my head to her.
"Yeah actually," she laughed a bit, "You're like a magician with makeup girl."
"Psh," I laughed, "Barely." We both laughed and finished getting ready. I put on a pair of highwaisted distressed shorts and threw on a Lakers jersey. I put on my purple vans and brushed through my hair. Gabi had on a Lakers shirt with a pair of short overalls on. She left one of the buttons undone so one side hung down and you could see the Lakers logo. "You cute," I giggled.
"Mmm thank yah," she winked at me. I laughed a bit and checked the time. It was about quarter to 12. "We should get going," I nodded. We went out to the car and drove to the stadium. We both got out and walked inside. We went in through the back because people were lined up to get seated. Some people were already in their seats. I walked over to my dad and tapped his shoulder. "Hey," I smiled at him.
"Oh hey P!" he smiled, hugging me. I hugged back and pulled away. "Glad you came," he smiled at me and then Kaiser.
"Figured I'd come support," I nodded.
"Monica and Zuri are right there," he pointed them out, "If you want to go sit with them."
"Oh okay cool," I nodded and took Kaisers arm. I took her over to where Monica was sitting with Zuri on her lap. "Hey," I smiled at her.
"Oh hey sweetie!" she smiled.
"P!" Zuri squealed and hugged my legs. I picked her up and gave her a hug. I held her on my hip and smiled small. I sat down next to Monica and Kaiser sat by me. "So which number is Lonzo again?" Kaiser asked me. I pointed him out to Kaiser and she nodded. Lonzo glanced over at us and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and winked. He chuckled a bit and jogged over to where my dad was. "Ou so you two know each other," Monica whispered to me.
"You saw that?" I blushed.
"Yeah I did," she laughed.
"Do not tell my dad please," I looked at her with begging eyes.
"Your secret is safe with me," she smiled. I sighed in relief and leaned back, holding Zuri on my lap.

The game ended with the score being 120-103. Lakers won. I stood up and walked over to them. I told them all good job and gave my dad a hug. The guys jogged off to the locker room. "I'm going to run to the bathroom quick," I told my dad. Kaiser and I walked to the hallway and I took her to a hallway, where no one really knew it was. I knocked on the door that was there and waited for Lonzo to come out. He opened the door and hugged me tight. "You did great baby," I hugged back, smiling big. He held me close and chuckled. "Thanks babe," he smiled.
"Move over love birds," Kuzma laughed. Lonzo scooted over and Kuzma went to Kaiser. I pulled away a bit and smiled at Lonzo. "I hate sneaking around," I sighed a bit.
"I know baby," he sighed, "I do too. I really want to just be able to say you're mine."
"I'll talk to my dad, try to get him more into the likings of it," I nodded.
"Okay," he smiled at me. He pecked a few kisses on my lips. "Alright I need to go change I'll talk to you later okay?" he smiled at me.
"Sounds good," I nodded and waved at him. Kaiser and I walked back to the gym where my dad was waiting. "Alright have fun at school I'm sure I wont see you," he laughed.
"Probably not," I shook my head and laughed a bit.
"I love you," he gave me a hug.
"I love you too," I hugged back and pulled away. I gave Monica and Zuri a hug as well. Then Kaiser and I went back to my car and got in.


"Alright P I'll see you after," Kaiser smiled at me. I gave her a hug and took a deep breath. I walked into my house and went to my class. Kaiser and I don't have one class together. We aren't in the same major so we aren't in the same classes. She's here for soccer and I'm here for photography. I sat down in my first class and leaned back a bit. I didn't really know anyone though. My second class was graphic design. I had this class with Olivia. It went a lot better knowing someone. After the first day I didn't really make any new friends. I wasn't looking to make new friends though. "Hey where you off to now?" Saige asked.
"I'm going to try out for the basketball team," I smiled.
"Really??" Saige smiled.
"Yeah I am," I nodded.
"Cool mind if I come watch?" she asked.
"Nah come with," I smiled. We walked to the gym and I sat down on the bleachers. Kaiser was at soccer try outs right now so she couldn't be here. I looked around at all the girls. They were all super tall and pretty fit. I wasn't tall... I thought of myself as pretty good basketball player but I was starting to think differently. "Calm down its okay," Saige nodded. She could tell I was getting nervous. "You're gon kill it!" she smiled at me.
"I hope so," I laughed nervous.
"Alright girls lets get started!" the coach called.

We all sat down in the middle of the gym and listened to the coach talk. We have been practicing for about an hour or so now and we waited about 20 minutes for the coach and co coach to put together the team. "Alright so we have came up with our team," she started naming people off. "Penelope" I heard my name. I sighed in relief and smiled big. "Alright sorry to the girls who's names weren't called. Congrats to everyone who made the team! Come get a jersey and a schedule!" she smiled. I walked up and got the #2 jersey. I grabbed a paper and walked back to Saige. "Hey!" she smiled big, "What did I tell you!?"
"I made the team!" I squealed, smiling big.

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