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*Penelope's pov*

I woke up and checked the time. It was like 4PM now. I yawned a bit and rolled over. I checked my notification's. I got one from Lonzo.

Baby call me
when you get

I opened it and called Lonzo. I yawned a bit, listening to it ring. He didn't answer. Oh yeah he at practice. I shook my head a bit and sit up. I rubbed my eyes and went downstairs. Kaiser was sitting on the couch watching American Horror Story, no surprise. "Hey," I yawned, sitting by her
"You doing better?" she asked, smiling small at me.
"I guess," I put my head on her shoulder.
"Good," she nodded, putting her head on mine.

About an hour later there was a knock at the door. We both jumped. We were watching American Horror Story and we were both into it. "Damn," I laughed, holding my heart. I got up and answered the door. "Oh hey babe," I smiled at Lonzo.
"Hey baby," he smiled at me, hugging me, "Can we go talk in your room?"
"Okay," I nodded, a bit confused. I followed him upstairs to my room. I sat down on my bed and he shut the door. "Are you breaking up with me?" I laughed a bit but I was really scared he was going to leave me.
"No," he shook his head and sat by me, "What happened last night?"
"Not much," I shrugged.
"Alright don't lie cause I already know," he told me.
"About?" I tried to play dumb.
"Kaiser told me Penelope," he looked at me. I shook my head and looked down. "Listen I don't want to talk about this," I shook my head.
"Well we need to," he tilted my head up.
"Why??" I sighed, "I don't want to talk about it.."
"Cause I want to get that dude in trouble!" he sighed, raising his voice a bit. I could tell it was upsetting him too. "He had long shaggy hair, he was tall and he wasn't big but he was muscular," I shrugged, "Brown eyes."
"Anything else?" he sighed.
"He had a super deep voice. He was slurring though cause he was drunk. He also had a tattoo on his fingers. It said 'dope'"
"I know exactly who you're talking about now!" he stood up, "He was a sophomore when I finished college. His name is Dustin."
"Okay," I nodded, shrugging.
"I will get him reported don't you worry baby. He wont hurt you or anyone else again," he sat back by me and held me close. "What all did he do to you??" he asked. I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him what happened. I didn't want to tell myself what happened, I didn't either. I just told myself the way I wished it happened. Him pushing me away. He didn't do that though... I gulped as I remembered the real thing that happened. "He-" I choked up.
"Tell me baby please," Lonzo hugged me.
"He took me by my arm and he was trying to get me to go upstairs with him. I told him no a bunch of times. He pulled me closer, not letting me go. His friend came over and told him to let me go cause I wasn't good enough. He didn't agree and he drug me upstairs," I let a bunch of tears fall. Lonzo held me closer. "You can talk to me baby," he sighed, upset too.
"He tied my hands together behind my back and he tied my feet to the bed and he did stuff," I started to cry. He held me close to him and rubbed my back.
"I'm going to kill him," He mumbled to himself. I cried harder and hugged him tighter. I closed my eyes and held onto his shirt. He rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "You need to tell your dad so we can tell the police. He raped you," he sighed.
"I know," I cried harder.

Kaiser and I drove to my dads house later that night. I saw Monica's car in the drive way. Kaiser took my hand as we walked to the door. I took a deep breath and walked in. "Dad!?" I yelled.
"Living room," he called back. I took my shoes off and walked in. "D-dad," I started. His smiled faded when he realized I was upset. He stood up and watched me. "What happened??" He asked.
"Go ahead," Kaiser sighed.
"Last night," I gulped, "I was raped last night dad.." I started to cry. His face fell and tear filled his eyes. He hugged me tight. "By who??" he asked.
"So-someone to-told me his name was Du-dustin," I cried harder. He held me closer and sighed a bit. "We will get a police report okay?" he sighed. I nodded and sniffled a bit. "Thank you for telling me," he whispered. I felt another pair of arms around me. I looked to the left and saw Monica hugging me. I turned to her and hugged her. My dad let go and Monica hugged me tight. I cried into her chest. It was like I was hugging my mom again. She knew how to calm me down like my mom did. I pulled away and wiped my eyes. "Thank you," I sniffled.
"No problem," she wiped my eyes and smiled at me. I sat down next to Kaiser on the love seat and sighed a bit. "You guys staying her tonight or you heading back?" my dad asked, sitting down.
"No we are going back," I nodded, "I just needed to tell you."
"I'll call the hospital tomorrow and get you an appointment to get a rape test done and then we will get the police involved," he nodded.
"Okay," I leaned back. I took a deep breath and sighed a little.
"You're very brave for stepping up," Monica spoke up.
"Thank you," I sighed, looking down, "I knew I had to or it wouldn't ever go away. Someone else could be raped by him too and I don't want that to happen. I don't want anyone else to feel as gross and terrible as I do." Kaiser hugged me and I put my head on her chest. I felt so hopeless. I felt like all I had was gone... I hate this feeling...

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