No, No, No...

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*Penelope's pov*

"So has Lonzo talked to you yet?" Kaiser asked.
"No," I shook my head. Last night was when the video was posted about his rapping. I'm so nervous. I remember the vibe Denise gave off the first time we met. It was a "if you ever fuck with me I will beat your ass" vibe. I put my head on Kai's shoulder and sighed a little bit. "I'm really fucking everyone's life up aren't I?" I looked at her.
"No," she shook her head, "Why would you say that?" she sighed.
"Just feels like it," I shrugged, "My dads stuck with me, a remembrance of my mom. I'm making Lonzo's life hard. I fucked up Denise's life."
"Your dad loves you and you know that P. Seriously what's wrong with you lately? You have been so emotional," she sighed, "I think we need to try a pregnancy test." I nodded and stood up, "If it makes you happy." She took me out to her car and we got in. She drove me to the closest drug store and we went in. We looked at them all. It was so overwhelming to be honest. There was so many of them. I didn't know which ones to even get... We decided on one and I paid for them.

We got back to my house and we both went to go upstairs. "Whatcha get from the store?" my dad asked. Shit, shit, shit. "We got some candy," Kaiser smiled, "We are going to watch a few movies."
"Oh nice have fun," he smiled. I smiled back and followed her upstairs. "You're welcome," she laughed. I laughed nervously and she shut the door. I read the instructions and we both went  my bathroom. I did what it told me to do and I set it down on the counter. "How long?" I sighed.
"13-15 minutes," she read off the box. I nodded and sighed a bit. We both sat, waiting for the test to be done. As we waited I heard my phone go off. I looked at it, Denise. I showed Kaiser and sighed.

Leave me and my
boyfriend alone.
I'm sick of your
shit. Next time I
see you I'm
beating your ass

I teared up bad and Kaiser hugged me tight. I hugged back and took a deep breath. "Don't be scared of her okay? She wants that, show her you're not scared of her," she sighed. I nodded and pulled away. "But I am scared," I sighed.
"Don't let her know that and she wont seem so big and bad anymore, okay?" she sighed.
"Okay," I sighed.

We both jumped a bit when my timer went off. "Flip it," she nodded. I gulped and I flipped the test over. Oh no. No. No. No. "Kai," I started to cry.
"Positive," she whispered in disbelief. She hugged me tight and held me close. "Oh my god," She sighed, "I'm here for you... Shhhh." she held me tight. I gripped onto her shirt and cried hard into her chest. "I-I cant d-do this a-at ei-ghtteen," I cried hard.
"I know," She sighed, "Shhh theres other options okay?" I nodded and cried harder. She rubbed my back, trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should tell Lonzo... I didn't know how to tell my dad... I didn't know if I could keep the baby... It was all too much for me right now.

"Hey listen," Kai wiped my eyes, "You can get an abortion okay? It doesn't make you a bad person to get one. If you cannot do this you can't. It's okay to do that. When you are ready you are going to get your angel back okay?"
"Okay," I nodded and sniffled a little bit.
"Or if you don't want that you can give It up for adoption," she nodded.
"Should I tell Lonzo about it?" I sighed, "I know he deserves to know but what if he wants to keep it and I decide I don't. Or I decide I want to keep it and he doesn't want to?"
"I don't know That's tough P," she sighed, rubbing my back, "Do what you think is right." She was right. I nodded and got my phone out. I went to Lonzo's contact name and took a deep breath.

Call me when you
can its important..

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