After Party

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*Penelope's pov*

I handed Kaiser my phone to look through Lonzo and I's texts. She scrolled through them and I put my head on her shoulder and watched her. He texted me even more last night. I never replied to them though. "Good for you P," she handed my phone back to me.
"You promise this is the right thing?" I sighed.
"Yes, make him chase after you. If he doesn't then he isn't for you," she nodded.
"Oh okay, I get it," I smiled small at her.
"So how was your dads girlfriend?" she asked.
"Pretty good actually. She was really nice. Her daughter was the cutest thing ever too!" I smiled. "That's really good," she nodded, smiling at me.
"She is black," I nodded, "Tall and skinny. Short curly hair, brown eyes."
"Oh nice. Way different from your mom," she laughed a bit. Kaiser remembers my mom too. Not as well as I did, obviously. "Way different," I nodded, smiling small.
"Good for your dad though. At least he's happy," she nodded.
"Yeah that's why I'm just being happy for him," I leaned back.
"Good," she got her phone out and started to text someone. She was smiling while texting. "Kuzma?" I laughed.
"Kuzma," she nodded, giggling. I shook my head, laughing a bit. I got my phone out and started to scroll through instagram. Same shit. I shrugged and put my phone away. "You still want to go to that after party?" she asked.
"Yeah I do," I smiled, nodded.
"Alright dope," she smiled.
"Yeah it'll be fun I think," I shrugged.
"Yeah same," she nodded. I texted Lonzo.

I'll see you

Why are you
ignoring me??

Personal reasons.


So today is Tuesday and I'm getting ready with Kaiser. We have about 20 minutes before we have to head to the game. My dad is already there, practicing with the guys. "Does this look cute??" Kaiser asked, showing me her outfit.

(Kaiser's fit^)

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(Kaiser's fit^)

"Yes!" I nodded, smiling at her.
"What are you going to wear?" she asked.
"Haven't gotten that far," I laughed a bit.
"Hurry babes!" Kaiser laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I finished my hair and I stood up. I went to my closet and looked around. I chose my outfit and changed into it.

(Penelope's fit ^^)

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(Penelope's fit ^^)

We got to the gym and we went inside. They had already started the game, we were a bit late. We took our seats in the stands and we watched. I really liked watching basketball, Kaiser didn't as much. She was into soccer. After the game, they ended up winning. We went down to the court and Kaiser hugged Kuzma. I smiled a Lonzo and hugged my dad. "Alright dad I'm going with Kaiser to her cousins," I smiled at him.
"Sounds good, behave," he laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow.
"Yup," I smiled and walked to Kaiser.
"Alright I gave you my address so we will meet you guys there," Kuzma smiled at Kai. We walked out and went out to her car. There was tons of people around, trying to get pictures. We just kind of pushed our way through everyone. We drove to Kuzma's house, getting lost only once. They were already there, seeing we got lost once.

We walked to the door and Kuzma let us in. We came in and there was DMO, Lonzo, Kuzma, Ingram, and Jordan. I waved at everyone and took my shoes off. I sat down on the couch on by Lonzo. "Hey," I smiled small at him.
"Heya shorty," he put his arm around me and smiled.
"How's it goin?" I asked.
"Pretty good," he nodded.
"What about you and Denise?" I asked.
"It's alright," he shrugged.
"You guys done yet?" I asked.
"No soon," he nodded, shrugged.
"Sure," I laughed a bit and shrugged.

The rest of the night we all just talked, ate snacks, drank soda. It was really fun. The guys were really funny. "Alright so I have two extra rooms so you guys will have to split it up," Kuzma said. It was around midnight by now. "You can stay with me," Kuzma smirked at Kaiser. I shook my head a bit and laughed. "If you want you can stay in a room with me and one of the others can take the room and one can take the couch," Lonzo nodded.
"Umm yeah sure," I nodded, "But we aren't sleeping together."
"Shot down dude damn!" Kyle laughed.
"He's taken," I shrugged. We figured out the rooms and we all went to our rooms. I changed into comfy clothes and laid in the bed. "Why you being like this all of a sudden? Is it cause you got an abortion or something?" Lonzo asked.
"No!" I snapped, "You have a god damn girlfriend Lonzo. I'm not some kind of sex toy you can just fuck with when your horny! If you want sex ask your girlfriend! If you want to break up with her and be with me then we can fucking talk but until then we are friends, nothing more!" I rolled away from him. It was silent for a minute. "You wanna know the truth!?" he shrugged, "I fucking caught feelings for you and I don't know how to react to 'em! I was in love with Denise for like 3 years and now all of a sudden I get these different feelings with you, that are stronger! It's so different and I don't know what the hell to do about them!" he snapped.
"Well figure it the fuck out and then talk to me," I pulled the covers up and shrugged a bit. I honestly wanted to just burst into tears... I knew I wouldn't be his choice... He loved Denise... I was never the first choice anyways... So why would someone like Lonzo Ball pick me over the girl he loves so much...

A/N- Sorry I haven't posted in so long! I have been really busy this weekend and babysitting a lot. I promise for more updates!

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