Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Serenity waited just a few minutes as Terran came down carrying suitcases with a grinning Talise who said, "Don't worry I made sure you will look good!" Serenity gave up on worrying about what clothes she wears.

The others came down as well, they all exited the mansion and Daemon, Ragna and Terran loaded the suitcases in the trun. While the other four were inside the van with Talise sitting in the front passenger seat.

Ragna gets on the driver seat as the other two in the back.

Ragna drives toward the airport and Sky had sent for someone to take Al and the others to the airport. So by the time they are checked in the animals would be boarded already.

Magelia got a car to put all the suitcases on so they don't have to carry them inside, Magelia and Talise worked together to push the car but it was more of Talise pushing like a manic.

As poor Magelia held on for deer life Daemon was right on Talise tail trying to stop her and save his sister who was saying, "Daemon!"

Everybody else anime sweat drop  except Serenity who giggled at Talise antics. "We should get a leash for her." Ragna said Serenity looks toward Ragna who was still looking at Talise but when a shivee went down his spine.

He looks at his right to see Serenity staring up at him with does blank eyes of her's. Ragna had to look the other way because he couldn't stand to look straight into does eyes.

"Okay no leash." Ragna said as Serenity smiles as she walks inside. 'She scary with does eyes! ' Ragna thought as he stood frozen. That Terran had to slap him on the back to snap him out of it "Thanks" Ragna said as he got his balance back because of Terran heavy hand.

"No problem Bro." Terran said as they both walked inside to see the others waiting for them.  They divided into their small groups, went different ways because each took a different plane with the same destination.

Serenity had the window seat, looks outside even thought out she only sees darkness but to Serenity it gives her an opportunity to wonder what it could be. Sky looks over at Serenity and casualy said, "It's light blue with lots of soft white clouds decorating it along with the birds gliding on the breeze." Serenity looks toward Sky giving him a bright smile while saying, "Thank You!" Sky blushes and looks the other way as Serenity happily turns back to the window. 'She can make people embarrassed without even trying.' Sky thought as he fell asleep.

*Al and the others in their cages*

Chi: "I want to be with Magelia not here!!" whinned

Ko: "Relax you will be with her soon."

Hulk: "At least you guys have decent size cage mine is too small! That I have to bend down to even fit in it."

Hypei: "That's because you fat!" laughing

Hulk: "It's fur!!" angrily

Awk: " Exercise. " as he flapped his wings

Hulk glares at Awk

Fang: "He'll eat more if he does that." Hypei laughts at his words

Hulk was about to retort.

Al: "Please be quiet or do any of you want the humans to check  on us causing trouble to Serenity and the others."

They all: "Sorry. .."

*Back to Serenity and others.*

The plane lands in Japan after 16+ hours, Sky helps Serenity unboard the plane and head toward the meeting point. When they all arrive Serenity said, "How was your flight.?" Terran sighted as he looks toward Talise who still has lots of energy after running around in the plane. While the others said, "Good."

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