Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The week went by fast with the people in the school getting scared by seeing Al walking around with Serenity. The good part was that Hibari did not bite her to death for bringing an animal to school maybe it was because of the principal? but who knows.

It was now the weekend everybody was relaxing not doing boring school work which was supposed have been done on Friday. Serenity was sitting on her bed reading one her braille books just as a knocking sound filled the room. "Come on in." she said as Magelia opens the door and stands there, Serenity hearing to footsteps getting closer she moves her head toward the door where a shaky pink aura of Magelia stood.

"What's wrong Magelia?" Serenity said as she closed the book to give her full attention. "CanyoucomewithmetomyclassmateTsunahousewhoIhavetodoaprojectwith?" Magelia said in one whole breath that Serenity had to ask her to repeat it slowly so it would have been understood. Serenity nods after Magelia had said it slowly, Serenity stands up from the bed grabbing her white foldable walking stick as she says, "Lets go then." as a bright smile appeared on Magelia face as she took Serenity other hand and lead her out of the house. Leaving behind the others that where playing xbox, swimming and training.

Serenity and Magelia were almost to Tsuna house when all of a sudden Magelia said, "Oh no!! I forgot to take Chi with me she was asleep on my bed." Serenity caresses Magelia hand that was intertwined with hers as she says, "Don't worry Magelia, I'm sure Al will tell her and calm her so she does not worry." Magelia nods as she continues to lead them to Tsuna house.

Magelia knocks on the door who is opened by a woman with similar looks to Tsuna in which they guessed it was his mom. "Hello mam, I'm Magelia and this is my friend Serenity we came here to work on a school project with Tsuna-Kun." Magelia said sofly earning herself a big smile from Tsuna's mom who said, "oh! Please coming in! Tsu-kun is in his room upstairs go on ahead." indicating them to go up.

Serenity nodded as she held her walking folded stick in her hand as Magelia carefully helped her climb up the stairs. Magelia and Serenity were in front of Tsuna room in which Magelia was getting ready to knock on the door. However, Serenity had to pull her away from the door that blew open by an explosion. "HIEEE!!! Reborn you almost killed me!" Tsuna said in which he received a kick from said Reborn on the face that sent him flying out the room to the wall. Magelia was hiding behind Serenity as that happened still she saw Tsuna hit the wall that she went toward him and said, "Oh Tsuna-kun are you okay??" but Serenity had to quickly once again pull her away from him as a child with hand grenades came out of the room throwing them toward someone in the room.

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