Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"What the hell are they doing?" Terran said while shaking his head just as Daemon and Magelia jog up to them. "What did the principal said?" Ragna said as the twins were in ear shot. Magelia smiles as she says, "He said yes since this school doesn't have the needs for a student who is blind." Serenity blinks as she looks between them while saying, "What's going on?" "Me and Magelia went to the principal to ask him if you could bring Al to school so he can guide you around not get lost." Daemon said as Magelia frowns while saying, "Chi cannot come....."

Daemon shakes his head as he says, "Animals are not allowed in school, Awk was flying around so he was not in the school." Magelia nods in thought in which Serenity walks toward her and caress her cheek while saying, "What worries you Magelia?" Magelia bites her lower lip before saying, "Because is not fair I saw a kid walking with a chameleon on his hat." Serenity just stares at her while thinking 'Could it be...?'

Ragna shakes his head as he says, "This is a High school not an elementary school." Magelia gave him a glare that on her face it just looked cute instead of scary. However, the damn bell rang indicating that lunch was over so Magelia and Daemon had to go fetch Talise from Awk who was still after her. While Terran and Ragna took Serenity to her next class which was math or Metal Abuse To Humans.

The class was going okay still the teacher said, "Serenity come up to the board and solve this problems." Serenity eyes widen as she thinks ' Oh no!' as she says, "Umm Sorry sensei but I'm ..blind." the teacher gives Serenity a disbelief look. Not believing Serenity words so he writes something on the board and get Serenity to read but she says no she cannot see it. But the teacher is super stubborn that he will prove that she is lying, in which he forgot to even teach the class but the students did not care instead they were happy that the teacher completely ignored them to focus on Serenity.

The final bell ran which the teacher teaching nothing as happy students left the classroom saying, "Thanks ! Serenity!" Serenity just nods. Terran was waiting outside the class room for Serenity and says, "What happened everyone was happy?" Serenity starts walking with him at her side as she  says, "Teacher did not believe I was blind so he wasted time to prove me wrong." Terran started laughing at the ignorance of the teacher all the way to the exit of the school were the others were waiting and Serenity told them what happened since they asked why Terran was laughing. Ending up with all of them laughing their butts off as Serenity pouts and starts walking toward home with them saying, "Wait!! Serenity wrong way!"

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