Chapter 3: Not so Newbie

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Strange, but I felt very at ease despite all the shenanigans happening from time to time. Well, maybe the experiences from all that time of playing, reading, and watching all sort of bullshit on the web made everything so predictable. Almost everything happening before me was written in some sort of many way that as same as the situation I'm in.

On the other hand, I believed the Lyn gene or way of thinking made my soul in this body felt this calm. After all, they were known for their unpredictable nature. Even in one normal short conversation, they conveyed multiple attitudes of hatred, fear, jealously, love and respect... Very weird, but I don't think that going to happen very soon sine I'm a born human. Yet, I had this slight feeling I'm slowly becoming like one of them.

Anyhow, probably the situation developing right now would be the luckiest route, because I could had captured by slaver trader and turned into a slave. Basing off in every fantasy world story, demi-human doesn't get treat equally as normal human being. Like how Earth back then when slavery was still a thing, racism and prejudice and all that bull crap. Moving on... what should I do next?

Going home was not on my list, and it's going to be the last thing on my head. Living a normal life here seemed to be a good idea, but that too plain and it would almost replicated the same thing as I did back at Earth! Adventurer definitely the way to go. In the land filled with magic, monsters, and demons, there would be no shortage of job that involved such dangerous task. Not to mention, I was quite confident at my skill even though I got absolutely no battle experiences.

So much for being productive. But what lack in experiences, I had tremendous amount of power since I drew the conclusion that this body was the exactly like the character I played and grind so much back in the day. The only drawback was not having my legendary weapon. Oh well, I can make due with any blade I came across... if I got the money.

"What seem to be on your mind, Tawaraya?"

I perked my head up curiously to find out the old man looking at me. I must appeared very deep in thought that might cause some concern, but why expressed such consideration toward a stranger like me? What was his name again? Uh... is it Stormcloak something something? Eh, Stormcloak was good enough for me.

"Just call me Masami, and I'm just wondering where I can start looking for a place that offer me job to exterminate monster and such?"

"Oh, you mean the Guild Service? Surprise that you haven't heard such a renown place before if you live this long. Well, you from the beastkin kingdom so I doubt you never heard of it anyway... So, anybody with some sort of skills in combat always tried out their strength at the Guild, and become an adventurer. It actually the most popular job occupation, so that why they were really rigorous of recruitment. But I think it a good start for someone such as high skill yourself. For a kid, you definitely going to be more famous than the Hero."

"I'm not a kid! My kind always this small, so I can't help it. I'm actually an adult already." I pouted and turned away, acting all angrily like a kid. Again, not my first kind of usual action as I suddenly noticed. It was purely on instinct to my surprise.

"Hahaha... sure you are. A little cute adult at that. Sorry for my rude behavior, because I seen a good enough of your kind... the fox beastkin is it? Yeah, they are a rarity even among your land. But I do know some of them, and they almost as size as us. Although, your tails and ears are a bit different."

I touched my ears and tails as to recognize that they are indeed unique. Black with a mix of red/orange color wasn't really normal on any fox. Well, duh, I just like the style from the character creation the game offered to me.

"Anyway, we should be arriving near the town called Axel and that's going to be the place where we going to separate. It's a very friendly place, but don't expect much of your kind to be there."

A Solider and his Fox Companion Reincarnated in Another World [OUTDATED]Where stories live. Discover now