Chapter 13: Secret Among Secrecy

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It was a miracle that I managed to calm Ignia down. There was nothing wrong with a nice ray of sunlight and a splash of cold water. Although I went a bit overboard and washed her with a bucket full of them.

"So, now can you talk normally?" I looked straight at her.

Ignia was currently resting on a chair with a nice fix of hot tea cup in her hand. Beside dripping wet from the abrupt and early bath, she was totally fine. Her face was a bit down but not that depressing... right?

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ignia looked up at me but suddenly changed to her fear expression then looked away, "Please, don't look at me with you happy innocent face. I know full well what underneath that mask. It's just... freak me out."

"Come on Ignia, you don't need to be such a downer."

I frowned upon her remark but absolutely sympathize her with her situation. It was not my fault something that bad happened last night, but I'm not denying that there was this feeling of pleasure of doing it though. It was like I'm enjoying taking people apart and see them suffering.

Uh... that thought came out of nowhere! Am I a psychopath?

"Oh, I know! Why don't we take a nice, hot, and refreshing bath? Just you and me. I will rent out the bathhouse of this inn just for this occasion."

Ignia eyes lit up for a moment and the idea was perfect. I heard girls loved to bath as much as their love for diamonds.

However, Ignia got other idea in mind as she replied with a cheeky smile, "Oh, me and you? Boy and girl? What are you up to, Turner?"

It was then her declaration finally hit me. It was true that I was a boy, but right now was the most important point here, I am a female. There was nothing wrong when female seeing another female naked body. Same thing goes to men when they did the same thing when I was in gym. Now that I thought about it, will I get arouse from seeing woman naked body now that I am a woman?

"Nothing. I just wanted you to have a nice bath. Mason tasked me of taking care of you, and taking a bath is our first priority. Staying in that wet cloth won't do you any good either."

"I am fine."

She sneezed.

I presented her the brightest and satisfying smile ever, "Oh, you are not. We are going in!"

After renting out the entire bathhouse of the inn for the next hour, I happily strolled into the massive steamy room with excitement going over the roof. Oh boy, oh boy, its going to be refreshing. I hadn't have a proper bath in weeks. Taking a quick dump in whatever river we came across in our journey wasn't merely as satisfying as taking a dive into the real deal.

Hey, this scene reminded one of those Japanese bathhouse minus the shower and all the fancy and scrubbing shampoo stuff. Also, what with me being drowned in excitement? I noticed my tail was waving around thrillingly, and there was this bright expression once I looked at myself in the mirror.

Huh, was I always this excited whenever I took a bath?

Then Ignia walked in embarrassingly with a towel wrapping over body. Oh SHIT, what with this cliche anime-like moment? I am loving it!

"I'm still conflicting on whether I should take a bath or not." Ignia eyes were shifting continuously. Aw, wasn't that cute? She was not true to her feeling. However, I can tell the goddess barely controlled her eagerness to jump straight into the large bath behind me.

"Stop being such a tsun."

"No, that's not the point here."

She continued to stand there at the entrance, and eyes still dashing around nervously. It was then I noticed the pattern. She been beaming at my body and down at her own anxiously. Oh, why she would be acting all embarrassed because of the fact that I'm naked in front of her? Who would even wear towel to a bathroom anyway?

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