Chapter 7: The Mark of the Black Rose

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When we approached the front of Utnuk village, the atmosphere around our party started to intensify as the skyline of the village got clearer. It was not the brightest idea to walk in straight through their front door, and it was the tactics that everyone usually avoid unless they are very powerful and overconfident. Not to mention, knocking on the front door like this will surely alerted them of our presence sooner and telling them we want to make some troubles. This was all Ignia's idea, so I'm leaving this to her... because she was our party leader. If things does goes south, I would run for the nearest cover and hope for the best.

The Utnuk village was all cover up with high wooden spike wall, and the only entrance that was visible for us was this scary looking gigantic gate that was completely wide open

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The Utnuk village was all cover up with high wooden spike wall, and the only entrance that was visible for us was this scary looking gigantic gate that was completely wide open. Obviously the place was more scary and eerie and well-protected then the Utnak counterpart Almost as if we were walking straight into a trap. Something wasn't right... At this point, the lizardmen should be alerted by our presence and running toward us with weapon in hand, but there was none in our sight.

There weren't even a single guard posting near the wall, which was very strange. Were they really that confidence to not setup any defenses in their home base?

Well shit, I already jinx it. Two figures appeared around the corner as we cleared the ridge and the gate was just meters in front of us. No, not two but four, six, and the number keep increasing until it reached around... uh, more than I could had counted.

One thing surprise me was their body was entirely different from the lizardmen in Utnak. Instead of having plain and rigid skin, instead they have scale-like reptile skin, which was not much different from a crocodile. In addition to their beefy reptilian scale, they also had armor strapped around their torso and waist, although it was not that much of an armor if you took in the account of strapping a piece of leather over your shoulder, but it still made them look scary enough.

"Hello people of Utnuk village. I'm Ignia the Goddess, and I'm here on the behalf of the Utnak villager I was moved and pitied by this nonsense fighting that I came down here myself to settle this conflict once and for all in all peaceful way. Is your chief available at the moment since I would love to speak with him?"

That fucking introduction was so cringey that I almost found myself sprawled on the ground, and laughed my ass off until my heart content. I could see that Masami was reacting the same way when she tried to hold down her snickering. Even more surprising was the lizardmen took the bait. There was some whispering among themselves at first, but they gradually escorted us inside.

Soon, we reached what it looked like the center of the village, but at the same time, the place reminded me of an arena for gladiators to duke it out. It was obvious that they had ring or wooden fences surrounding the area to closed off and marked the area for the arena. Standing inside it was two prominent figures of this village. It was recognizable since they wore colorful accessories and one of them was huge as a goddamn sumo.

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